Chapter Twenty-One

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"Fuck, fuck – holy fuck!"

She pressed down lightly on your lower stomach as her fingers consistently pumped in and out of you, and her tongue worked magic over your clit. Your thighs threatened to close in on her, but she used her arm to keep them spread, and she groaned against you as you moaned loudly, sending a new wave of arousal through your body as the vibrations hit you. You tried to watch her with her eyes glued to yours, but you couldn't help squeezing your eyes shut as you threw your head back, your back arching as your chest heaved with labored breaths before you lost it. All air was pushed out of your lungs as you tumbled hard over the edge, your mind going completely blank for a good few seconds as every nerve in your body set on fire, and then pure pleasure washed over you as you clenched and unclenched around her fingers. She guided you through it, whispering praises against your skin as she slowly pulled out, kissing up your middle until she buried her face in your neck, just feeling your heart pound against hers.

"I already know I'll never get used to this," She whispered against your neck between soft kisses, luring you back down to earth, and you had to blink a few times before your vision adjusted completely – yeah, that was the best orgasm you've ever had, "Fuck, you're so responsive. It's unbelievably hot."

"Son of a bitch." You breathed out, but before she could stop chuckling to ask what you meant, you moved so she was laying on her front comfortably and you hovered over her back, kissing across her shoulder blades, making her hum.

You couldn't believe this, in all honesty, as you held her hips so she wouldn't squirm or turn over, and she finally let out a relaxed breath, holding the pillow in her arms as she rested her face against it, subtly trying to peek over her shoulder to see what you were doing.

You kissed every freckle on her back, every birth mark, and every piece of this gorgeous woman you could reach as you lowered your lips down to the curve of her back.

You cupped her waist, worshipping her with your lips and hands and it blew your mind completely out of the water that she truly wanted to be with you – in all your messed up, supernaturalness and your twist brain and your 'spinners' that someone else might see as a burden or call you a freak for. She saw you, she saw you and she didn't run away from it, if anything, she just wanted to protect you from, quite frankly, yourself, and fuck, you've never seen someone so passionate about anything before. She was stubborn and bullheaded – kind of like you, because she cared for people and didn't want to see them hurt, even if that meant she went through shit to prevent it.

You kissed the small, barely existent dimples above her ass, and you smiled when you heard her breath hitch. You eased her to her knees, and she complied, humming contently when you slipped a spare pillow underneath her middle to help keep her there.

"This okay?" You whispered into the too silent room, and you realized how wrecked your voice was, but when she spoke, you knew she wouldn't tease you about it because hers was somehow almost the same.

You smirked before nudging her knees slightly apart further, kneading her ass after kissing each side, waiting for a response, and then she didn't think she heard right, humming in question, so you repeated it louder.

"Yeah," She eventually breathed out in response and if you didn't catch how dark her eyes were when you looked over, you would've thought she wasn't doing so good, but fuck, she was just, "Whatever you fucking want, just please do something."

And if hearing Natasha fucking Romanoff voluntarily begging for you to touch her wasn't motivation enough – then you're done. You're just done in life because what the fuck.

You used both hands to spread her open for you before you lick into her without holding back, pulling moan after bloody moan from your redhead and the sounds spilling from her mouth were enough for you to press your bare thighs together to give yourself some friction. You pulled away, placing a hand on her back as your other one started to work her over and she pressed back to fuck herself on your fingers before she got frustrated enough to turn around, pulling you into her lap again before you could stop her, having you straddle her bare hips.

"Aggressive." You teased and then she grabbed your ass, pulling you into her as she grinded up, both of you moaning as your centers met.

"Fucking," She moaned, kissing your neck, and then she was sucking on a spot, using her teeth, marking you up, "Needed this."

She held your ass in both hands, squeezing it on every thrust down you made as she met it, and you held onto her for dear life as the oversensitivity had you whimpering into her neck.

You could tell she was getting close, and you were right there with her when she gripped you harder, surely leaving bruises that you'd probably wish you could show off tomorrow – maybe you'd show Alex. Knowing her handprints would be across your bum and probably your hips had a fresh wave of arousal soaring through you, making you moan out loud. She took the opportunity to latch her lips to your chest, tugging one of your nipples into her mouth with her teeth, and that sharp bolt of pain sent you right over the edge. Your thrusts became uneven and slow, so she picked up the pace and got off seconds after, using your pulsing rhythm to send her over as well.

You were both panting against each other as you came down from your highs and you let out a breathless chuckle when she started kissing over your chest, your hands lazily threading through her hair as she held your back. You were sore and sensitive, not really from having two in a row, but more from the intensity and quick build that came with them, so you couldn't help the whimper that escaped your throat when she gently maneuvered you both into a more comfortable position because her thigh rubbed against you accidentally.

"Fuck – don't," She warned lowly, kissing you a few times on the lips quickly, "I won't be able to resist another round if you start making those noises again."

"You're the dirtiest talker, Natalia," You laughed, and she smiled a bit bashfully before you cupped her face when she moved you both to cuddle facing each other on your sides, "And it's unbelievably hot."

You gave her a shit eating grin, letting her go since she was already looking at you now, and she rolled her eyes, scoffing, but she was still smiling because she clearly couldn't help it.

"You're an idiot."

"And what does that say about someone who's 'falling in love' with an idiot?" You mused back and she kissed your bare shoulder, nuzzling it a little before she pulled back to kiss you properly.

You cupped her face, holding her there so she knew you wanted this, and she smirked into the kiss, knowing you couldn't keep your distance once your walls fell.

And those walls came crashing down, thanks to her.

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