Chapter Thirty-Two

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He definitely had some people's attentions on him, he's a massive dude in the middle of a downtown street market, but you didn't pay him much mind when you noticed you didn't have eyes on Natasha, and he must've picked up on it because his face fell as he tried to catch your eye again.

"Oh, she's just run into one of the shops while you were calling out...threats?"

"And I'm supposed to believe you?" You muttered, more to yourself, with a scoff, and you didn't really have any other insight, so you did end up heading toward the shop he gestured to, "Nat? You in here?"

"Over here!" You heard her voice and snapped your attention to the counter, "Just getting your food, I want to get back."

"Can't imagine why!" You smirked and she rolled her eyes with a smile, telling them the order when they called her next, "I'll be outside."

She gave you a thumbs up and you turned to leave again, wanting to get rid of the stranger before she came back out.

"If you intend to murder this world, you should know something."

He spoke with an air of authority, but you couldn't help to check out his cool haircut and the obvious that you also found pretty awesome. He looked cool.

"I like this," You told him, pointing to his outfit, and then to his chest, "I should get me one of these."

"A chest piece."

"No, bigger boobs." You deadpanned and he looked surprised before he huffed a laugh.

People were bustling around, and you knew she'd be out soon, so you were getting desperate to wrap this up.

"I didn't know you were alive," He admitted, "After your grandmother killed Ares and some others...well, I assumed you got caught in the crossfire or perhaps, you and your mother were the reason for her slaughtering."

"Nah, she was just a badass bitch with a love for murder." You shrugged, half guessing, and he seemed to contemplate it.

"You know who I am though, yes?" He finally asked and you nodded tightly, bluffing, before he added, "So, you know why I'm here – why I've come for you."

"Nah, nah," You slowly backed up until you hit a cart, looking behind you to apologize, but when you looked back to this guy, he was a lot closer, so you grabbed a handful of fried dough to throw at him, "I'm good, thanks!"

You ran back into the restaurant to retrieve Natasha just as she was leaving with the food and you grabbed her free hand, dragging her through the crowd while he was distracted.

"Wait!" He called out, startling her.

"Oh my god – is that?"

"No time!" You yelled, zigzagging through people as fast as you could and getting down the block before you ducked into a bank.

You both crouched down behind a counter and one of the tellers were eyeing you weirdly, but it wasn't the freakiest thing they've seen, so they weren't going to say anything unless it escalated.

"Why're we hiding?" Natasha whispered and you paused before pointing out the window at the man who came to a slow stop from his jog, looking around in confusion.

"That's why," You froze a second later, audibly sniffing the air frantically before your eyes landed subtly on the bag she was holding, "Is that...did you get crab rangoons?"

"What? Oh, yeah, they're my favorite," Your perfect girlfriend said before she pursed her perfect lips, eyeing you warily, "Is this fun for you? Hiding out when a man you don't know is trying to find you?"

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