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A week later neither of the men had spoken a word to each other,  nor allowed themselves to be in the same vicinity.

"Ooookay, so for this meeting we will be discussing things we can do as a group together!"
Charlie said enthusiastically standing at the front of their massive lounge next to her girlfriend.

"We were thinking about a picnic!"
She said with jazz hands and an excited face.

Angel interrupted.

Charlie's face faltered slightly but went back to normal self in less than a second and she said, "okay, what about...a quiz night!" She bounced on the spot without her feet leaving the ground while saying that full of joy.

Angel piped in again.

Charlie's eyebrows furrowed but continued anyway,
"How about a...drum roll please vaggie"
Vaggie drum rolled on the sofa arm infront of her.
She was truly excited about this one.

Angel said unamused

"If you're so good at deciding what is good to do as a group then please tell us your brilliant plan" vaggie said sarcastically with a hand on her hip and the other holding a clipboard.

Angel sighs and says "fine, I guess I have to come up with all the best ideas then toots, I say we go to a night club" he smirked cockily and discreetly went to rub his hands down from the shoulders to the pecs of a certain brown cat with a gambling addiction who was sitting in front of him.
The blush on husk was wild and the smirk residing on Angels face was seductive and evil, though neither looked at each other and just continued facing forward towards vaggie and Charlie who just looked disturbed at this point.

Charlie coughs awkwardly and says "moving on from that image that is sadly going to be haunting my dreams for the next few weeks"

Lucifer let out a chuckle from the PDA of the not so secret couple.

Charlie continued, "that wasn't a bad idea though angel. Tomorrow I have decided we will all be going to a nightclub, be ready at 6 and meet in the lobby, meeting dismissed"
She smiled and grabbed her girlfriends hand and they walked away leaving the rest to their quiet chatter.

Lucifer wanted payback for alastor chucking him onto the floor on his ass twice sooo, he came up with the thrilling idea of copying what angel did to husk. Although alastor was sat on the other sofa, so he got up discreetly seeing that he was busy talking with nifty about the roach problem.

He walked over with a grin, to the back of the opposing couch and walked behind alastor, although lucifer was completely blocked from the view of the radio demon, as soon as he went to trail his long fingers down the demons shoulders in order to make him flustered and get his revenge. He heard-

"Don't you even think about it, or I will gut you like a fish" (Loki reference ;))

Lucifer frowned and retreated his hands that haven't even so much as slightly touched alastor at all, he had an unhappy look on his face, he was pouting like a child and alastor knew he was making that face so he grinned due to his win of this little game the fallen angel started.
'Game on'
They both said mentally.

Though neither were to sure what the winner was to achieve in order to win.

That evening at the dinner table the group had ordered kebab takeout.At the dining table that had enough seats for the group, everyone was eating their kebabs with loud chatter followed by laughter from multiple conversations. One of the end chairs was spare, then it was Charlie, next to her vaggie, then lucifer, it then reached the other end of it that was occupied by Nifty, then opposite lucifer was alastor, next to him was angel then husk and the same spare seat next to Charlie was next to him.

Alastor saw this as his chance to get back at the 'annoying' fallen angel who was preoccupied.

He had his kebab in his mouth eating it and waited until lucifer caught his eye, to speed this up he stared at him, once lucifer left the conversation to look at alastor. To lucifers shock and horror he saw him slowly moving the kebab in and out of his mouth seductively, with hooded eyes while staring at lucifer.

Lucifer started coughing loudly on the kebab that he was eating and when I say he was as red as a cherry, I'm not kidding.

Everyone except the radio demon who continued 'innocently' chewing his dinner, looked at him concerned, and vaggie started hitting lucifers back to remove the lodged chicken.

It soon came flying out and straight onto alastors forehead, a small, saliva covered piece of chicken.

Alastor halted his chewing before looking up at the food on his forehead, he was in shock and so was everyone else, whose feelings were mixing between fearful of the outcome and hysteria.

Lucifer let out a chuckle staring at alastor who grabbed a tissue and removed the slobbery chicken almost immediately.

He stood up, everyone held their breath, their faces were terrified, lucifers previous amusement vanished without a trace.

Alastors face contorted, now fully recovered from the shock, into disgust and deep, deep loathing .
He walked over to lucifer with his heels clicking on the floor with every daunting terrifying step the radio demon took.

The short king had a face was filled to the brim with terror and worry to the furthest level. Alastor saw this and smirked.
He grabbed lucifers furthest arm so tight both were sure it would bruise and dragged him, now side by side, out of the kitchen and into the hallway connecting the kitchen to the rest of the hotel, no one left remaining at the table moved an inch but just stared at the door they left out of.

A/N my god that was fun to create and write but it's almost 1 in the morning and I have school tomorrow :(

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