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Alastor woke up and looked at the digital clock on his side table, it was 6:23PM, crap, dinner was always at 6:30.
He turned going to wake up the king quickly but when he looked at him he felt his heart swell.

Lucifer was lying on his back with his face, facing Alastor and arms above his head.
The radio demon took a second to admire the king lovingly, and moved his hand gently to the side of the kings face to rest it on his cheek, lucifer stirred at this motion with his brows furrowing slightly, his eyes fluttered open to see Alastor who had a small smile on his face.

Alastor saw his eyes open, and not a second later removed his hands and coughed slightly, trying to cover up his embarrassment of being caught looking at the blonde.

Lucifers sleepy hooded eyes now creased due to a tired smile taking over his lips.
The blonde moved his own hand onto the demons and grabbed it, moving it back to it's previous position on his cheek, he held alastors hand there and closed his eyes in contentment, loving the contact.

Alastor blushed and kept his hand on the kings cheek under his partners hand. His smile returned.

Lucifer looked over and saw the time, 6:26PM, he didn't care though, he just wanted to lay in alastors bed with him a bit longer.

A few minutes passed and lucifer slowly sat up tiredly while yawning, Alastor thought this was so adorable. The blonde leaned his face down to Alastors and kissed his forehead lovingly.

"And to think I despised you not even 2 weeks ago"
Lucifer says with a smile and quickly beating heart.

Alastor chuckled and leaned up to capture the king in a loving kiss, who eagerly kissed back.
They let go of the other and the demon got up, and both completely forgot they were naked. Like butt naked.
So when alastor got up first, lucifer stared at the tanned red head with cute fluffy ears, with a smirk and blush.

The radio demon felt eyes staring at him, and looked over to the smirking king.
The demon blushed madly at being stared at, and got dressed quickly.

"Shame you have to wear clothes, your a work of art"
Lucifer said smirking from the bed, while the stag was zipping up his fly with his ongoing blush that simply deepened. Lucifer chuckled at this and got up getting dressed.

They made their way downstairs to the dining room, and sat at the table in the spare seats that were next to each other, they grabbed some of the pasta on the table and put it on the plates in front of them then poured some tomato sauce on it.

"So...how was it"
Husk asked mischievously, lucifer started choking on his food going red.
Alastor asked worried they all knew.

"The conga"
husk asked smirking while lucifer was still choking, husk knew what happened cause when he went to go to his room, he passed theirs and heard moaning from inside, he also heard them from his bar, luckily for the two he was alone.

"Y-yah it was...fun"
Alastor said blushing,not sure whether he himself was talking about the conga or sex.
Alastor started patting lucifer on the back trying to help the red king dislodge the stuck spaghetti.

Everyone else at the table looked confused,
While husk was loving teasing the two, lucifers choking came to a stop slowly and he sipped some of the water in the front of him to help clear his airways fully, but mid sip he heard-
"I can tell, I could hear you down here"

Poor lucifer, as if choking on his spaghetti wasn't enough, started choking on the water while desperately trying to get a breath of air.
At this point the blonde looked incapable of eating and drinking without choking.

Alastors face was full of shock and horror, so scared that others heard them as well.
"I had to clean up the glasses behind the bar alone, while listening to you two continuously conga"
Husks smirk was now so wide it hurt his cheek, but he found pleasure in teasing the secret couple.
Alastor was fuming and red as a tomato, and poor lucifer had only just stopped choking on the water.

"Dad, are you okay"
Charlie asked concerned, to which the red faced angel put his thumb up to the princess without making eye contact.

"How long were you two doing the conga for?"
Vaggie asked slightly concerned at their sanity.

Both men went red while lucifer stuttered out,
"I-only about 5 minuets after you guys left"

While husk responded while taking a sip of his drink with,
"More like 40"

Vaggie looked at them concerned and so did the rest of them.
Alastor was beyond peeved, he rested his elbow on the table and pinched his forehead with his hands, wishing for it all to be over.

Lucifer got up and left the table silently not able to endure anymore of this incessant torture.
Everyone watched him walk out confused, all except the demon and cat.

Alastor gave a dirty look to husk through his eyes because he couldn't drop his smile, then went to get up to go check on the king.
Husk just smirked back.

A/N well that was funny hah lol

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