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TW mention of abuse

It's been a week and it's safe to say that alastor has become clingy, well I guess clingy is an understatement, I'd say more like an extended attachment of lucifer is more correct cause wherever the king is, a red coloured demon isn't far behind.

When lucifer needs the toilet, al waits outside, when lucifer showers, alastor's in there with him, and when lucifer sleeps, alastor stays up watching over him.

Lucifer found it endearing at first, although on day 5 he tried subtly mentioning that he wanted to go for a walk alone, and alastor didn't pick up the hint and went with him.

In Lucifers room -7PM

"Al I'm gonna go to the shops and grab some coffee and I'll be back in about an hour, do you want anything?"
Lucifer asked in hopes that he could finally be alone for a bit.

"Okay let me grab my shoes and we can go"
Alastor said smiling, this made lucifer feel a burning sensation of guilt in his stomach.

"Actually, I'm going to go alone"
He said cautiously with a worried look, not sure how alastor would take the news.

"I forbid it, I'm going with you!"
Alastor was now slightly concerned and angry, he just wanted to protect lucifer.

"Look, alastor, as much as I appreciate your caring nature, I have felt a tad suffocated as of recently"
Lucifer was now showing a determined look, and alastor did not like this one bit.

The radio demon said warning the king.

"I'm going alone, and that's that"
Lucifers face was now showing his anger.

Alastors radio demon form was coming out now.

They were stood in the middle of lucifers room staring at each other angrily, alastor walked over to lucifer and went to move his hand gently onto the kings cheek, but before he could feel the pale warm skin of the blonde, his wrist was grabbed by him.

The blonde said with a dangerously low tone.

Alastor went to remove his hand from the grip of the king yet he wouldn't let go, alastor was fuming.

"Get. off. now"
The radio demon growled at the small blonde with an expression that showed warning.

He screamed loudly at the demon, not caring if anyone downstairs heard.

Alastor shouted back louder.

Lucifer screamed and pushed alastor using his hands on his chest, he flew across the room crashing into what was alastors desk.

Lucifer now had his horns and tail out,
"Leave. Me. Alone."

"What, so you can go and hurt yourself again!"
Alastor partially shouted in pain and anger.

Lucifer knelt down to the demon and put his hand tightly around the throat of the demon.
"your lucky Im not gonna kill you"

Alastor felt fear within him but he'd be damned if he let it show, but between his desperate breaths and trying his best to conceal the fear, his facade dropped slightly as tears came to his eyes from fear.


Little alastor screamed at his much bigger dad, he grabbed his son by his throat and tightened his grip making the 6 year old struggle for air.

"P-put him down"
The weak mother of alastor called out, she was on the floor against the wall after he beat her up, the only thing stopping him from ending alastors mothers life was little alastor.

The bigger man dropped his blue, barely conscious son onto the floor,
His father walked over to his mum and grabbed her wrist pulling her off the floor and onto her wobbly feet.

"If you don't teach the brat some manners, he will end up dead, and you will watch"
His father said darkly and then dropped her.

He then left slamming the door on the way out, weak little alastor got up of the floor and walked over to his mum.

He asked with teary eyes.

"Oh alastor, my sweet boy, come here"
She opened her bruised arms and he walked over to her, dropping his weight into her lap as he silently cried onto her shoulder.

End of flashback

Alastor had tears streaming down his face from the memory, and only then did lucifer notice so he immediately let go of his neck.
Alastor curled up into a ball and hid his face with his arms while crying.

"N-no, what have I done, what have I done"
Lucifer was mortified at his actions, he went to lay a loving hand on the arm of the curled up demon who violently flinched away, fearing being hit.
"D-don't hit m-me"
He sounded terrified and this broke lucifers heart, like fully shattered it.

Lucifer felt his eyes go watery as he realised what he had just done.
"I, i-"
He had no words. Alastor was still curled up crying when a minute later lucifer said:
"I'm so sorry, my god what have I done, my sweet alastor what have I done"
Lucifers face was covered in salty tears spewing from his eyes.

The blonde stumbles back and ran out of the room, leaving a traumatised demon sobbing on his bedroom floor.

He was running full speed down the corridors, ignoring people's questioning gaze, tears had clouded his vision so much he almost tripped down the stairs.

He ran out of the front doors and took off using his wings.

Lucifers POV

'What have I done, what have I done, what have I done'
It kept repeating in my head over and over, each time felt like someone digging a dagger into my heart and twisting it.

I let out a pain filled scream into the air of the red city, I'm sure all of hell heard, all 7 rings.
I was crying in agony at what I had done, and now I wanted to go and kill myself more than ever.

Alastors POV

I was sitting on the floor still crying, but I was now hyperventilating.
'No, no, no, no, no, no'
I was trying to prevent a panic attack and it did not work.

I took the last of my energy and used it to get to my room through my shadows, it took all of 5 seconds because they can teleport.

I stumble over to my bed and fall into it sobbing.
I curl up into the sheets and try to calm down.

End of POV

A/N damn, I didn't plan that but I think it's just makes the story juicer. I don't plan lol, so I just go along with what I think should be next. :)

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