836 23 103

Warning: shmex

Lucifer left the radio demons room so the red head could sort out his...problem, alone.
Meanwhile lucifer went downstairs and sat on a stool at the bar,
"Well, that was utterly amazing"
Husk said chuckling at what happened, he only just recovered a few moments ago from his laughing fit.

"Ugh, that was risky"
Lucifer said looking exhausted while laying his arms folded on the bar then his head in his arms looking at husk.
"But I must admit, doing the conga to cover up Alastors boner was pretty funny, and to top it off, we accidentally took the conga group into our-Alastors room"
He tried to cover his mistake by laughing at the previous events, it did not work.

"So are you and him a thing now?"
Husk asked laughing gently, with a brow raised, taking a chug of his booze.

Lucifer blushed his head and buried his head in his arms hiding a prominent blush.
He said with uncertainty, husk looked amused at this and asked,
"So what's going on with you and him, first being bent over the counter top, then Alastor making incongruous motions at the diner table last night with a kebab, and to top it all of, you started acting like you were sucking an imaginary di-"

"OKAY!, I know it looks bad"
Lucifer said frustrated with a massively red face, and a smirking husk staring at him suggestively.
"So you saw the kebab, huh?"
Lucifer said wincing with embarrassment while his cheeks deepened in colour.

"Yeah I did, your lucky it was only me that saw"
Husk mentioned taking another swig from his bottle. Lucifer sighed, happy only husk saw.

"What is going on with you two anyway?"
He asked curiously, lucifer stayed silent for a moment before responding with,
"We have this game...it's where we have to see how flustered we can make eachother."
He cringed after saying it alloud, realising how kinky the game is.

Husks smirk turned into laughter,
"Boy, you've got it in for you now after that train wreck."

The blonde glared at the cat and left the stool with an unhappy expression.
He decided he wanted to go and chill out in Alastors room, hoping he had finished fixing his problem.

He walked up the stairs slowly to give the radio demon time, though it had been 20 minutes since he last left, so he should be done.

He got to the door, and waited there for a second to check he wasn't accidentally interrupting, he heard nothing so he was in the clear, he opened the door and walked in.

Alastors back was to him, he finished zipping up his fly from his trousers, and turned around to meet the short angels gaze staring at his bare chest. Alastor was shirtless and lucifer could see his tanned, slim waist with very defined abs, he also had broad shoulders and a very manly figure, with his v line visible.
He was breathing heavily, making his chest rise and fall.

The room was silent bar the loud breaths from the red haired demon.

Lucifer stared with his cheeks red, and trousers tight.
He swore his cheeks were permanently red when around Alastor.
"Something the matter"
Alastor cockily asked walking slowly over to the angel. Lucifer thought this was so ducking hot. (love the autocorrect, it fits with lucifers personality)

Lucifer shook his head quickly with his deep red cheeks almost bursting with blood.
He was unable to tear his eyes away from the tanned demons chest, alastors smirk was seductive in a mannor that showed he loved the king looking at him like that. Alastor removed the hat from the kings head and chucked it behind him staring at the king deeply while doing so.

"Hmm, because it seems to me that you yourself now have, how do I say it....a little problem of your own"
Alastors teased, he thought it was thrilling, messing with lucifer to no end.
Lucifer looked down to check while stuttering, Alastor now stood only a foot away from the short king.
Alastors finger lifted the kings chin up to make him look in his eyes, lucifer was so god damn hard right now.

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