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A/N oh I think u guys are gonna love this one 😏😈

Later that day

Lucifer and Charlie were in the kitchen talking about getting a new key for his room.
"It will take at least a week, dad. This is hell, no one does things for others as soon as they can and without getting payed, and because the key has to be cut manually, it can't go any quicker than a week"
Charlie exclaimed for the 5th time, lucifer was not having it.

Lucifer wouldn't have a room for a week minimum. Alastor walks in catching the last sentence of what Charlie said.
"Oh dear, looks like the king won't have a bed for a while, what a shame he has to sleep on the couch"
Alastor said thoroughly amused with an evil grin remembering what it was like last time he slept on the couch.

"Fuck of smiles"
Lucifer said angrily crossing his arms.

"Hey Alastor"
Charlie says greeting him, suddenly she gasps with the most 'brilliant, excellent, amazing' idea in her opinion.
"I know where you should stay!"
She can hardly contain her pure excitement at her brilliant idea.

She is jumping with joy, literally.

Both of the men looked to Charlie with the most horrified look. But lucifer saw this as an EXCELLENT opportunity to have some fun with their little game of 'who can get the other the most flustered'.

"Abs-olutely not"
He said folding his arms with his eyes closed looking up, being the stubborn stag he is.
Alastor and Charlie were facing each other and Charlie was in the middle with lucifer behind her.

'Time to put the plan to action'
Lucifer thought, he could see Alastor and Alastor could see him, so he put his hand next to his mouth moving it making it look like he was sucking an invisible dick.

He made sure his eyes were hooded looking seductive, Alastor glanced at him then double checked he was seeing him correctly. His eyes went huge, shock.
He was so flustered as well, lucifer was making his face doing different looks that people would do when having sex.

Alastors face went redder and redder. Glancing back at lucifer every few seconds though he could see him from his peripheral vision.

"-Alastor are you listening?, and are you okay?, your very red"
Charlie asked looking concerned at his increasingly red face.
"F-Fine, Charlie"
His smile was faltering and his pants got tighter by the second, the thrill of possibly being caught did nothing to lower his arousal.
Luckily Charlie was a lot shorter, so her head was looking upwards and she had no sight at all of Alastors problem.

"Omg you look sick, here-"
She put her hand to his forehead and held it for a second.
"Oh no, your burning up, poor thing"
She said, sad that her friend is sick. While he is still looking at the crude motions of the blonde. Lucifer stops for a second to say,
"Aw, I'll look after him, in our room"
Lucifer was feeling like he just won a war with how Alastor was scorching hot cause of his blush, and yet absolutely pissed, holding back his demon form from Charlie.

Charlie turned around, she looked at him who IMMEDIATELY stopped what he was doing behind his daughter.

Lucifer had an innocent look on his face, just looking back at Charlie and smiling sweetly.
She smiled back, she didn't see him do those....actions, and then looked at Alastor again who was infuriated and so, so aroused.

"Anyways I've gotta go talk to vaggie about our next meeting, bye Alastor, get well soon, bye dad!"
She said dismissing Alastors face because he was 'sick', she left the kitchen. They were staring intently at each other, one with hatred and arousal, the other with satisfaction.

She went to got to the door and saw husk standing there with a huge smirk.
"Oh hey husk"
She smiled at him and left after he gave her a little wave.

Both the men's heads shot around to look at the door instantly to see a smirking husk, he was leaning on the doorframe with a bottle of his booze in his hands.

"I-I-it's not what it looks like"
The king rushed his sentence stuttering.

Husk said unconvinced, he just chucked to himself shaking his head, and left to go see angel.

"Jeez, he really loves walking in here at the wrong time"
Lucifer said blushing madly, now matching Alastor who hasn't changed back to normal at all.

"I will get my revenge, and you will suffer"
The radio demon was almost shaking with anger, still completely hard.

"Looks like your the one who is suffering at the moment"
Lucifer smirked widely, looking down at the demons pants.
Alastor saw the massive problem,
"You caused this, now you have to make sure no one else sees"
Alastor started smirking with revenge glistening in his eyes.

Lucifers face dropped, scared of what Alastor was implying. Alastor walked behind him slowly and pressed his front into the shorter ones back, holding his curvy hips with his hands while his boner was flush against the small of lucifers back.

"Now we have to walk to my room like this, happy with yourself?"
Alastor asked lucifer as he noticed the tip of the blondes ears were redder than a cherry.

The radio demon started to push lucifer gently in order to get him to walk, and the small angel did.

They got to the lobby where every current member of hazbin hotel resided, everyone looked over, confusion was what overtook all of their features.

Husk spat out a ton of his drink onto his bar and started cackling, he was almost rolling in laughter, he knew exactly what was going on, and no one else did.

"Ugh- what are you doing?"
Vaggie asked so confused and weirded out.

They both stood completely still and tried to come up with an answer quickly, husk still pissing himself in the background.

"Why the conga of course!"
Alastor spewed out, lucifer stared at him as if he was crazy.
Husk started wheezing sounding like a kettle, no one bar the 3 knew why.

"Come on everyone!, join in!"
Charlie shouted.

She got up and went behind Alastor, she grabbed his hips and started singing,
"Conga, conga, CONGA!" While jutting a leg out on the last conga.

Then Angel and Nifty joined"
They started slowly making their way to the stairs as lucifer was guiding them, he now started laughing like a maniac at the realisation of what was going on, the stag was not amused.

Husk was just deceased at this point.

They went up the stairs slowly singing conga, conga, CONGA!.

They reached alastors door and he was so utterly relieved.

Lucifer opened the door and the two went to go in but the rest followed still doing the conga. Alastor was thinking 'oh for fucks sake' and lucifer was thinking, 'oh my fucking god this is hilarious' while still laughing.

"Wow, that is one tiring activity"
Charlie said letting go not doing the conga anymore. Everyone released eachother and started leaving the room

Alastor and lucifer still had to keep up the act, so they wouldn't give Alastor away while going around his room, the others left eventually.

Alastor went to shut the door and he turned around and saw the king fall back on the stags bed laughing still.
Alastor groaned
"I am so-hard right now"
(guess who I'm quoting)
He went to sit on the edge of the bed reflecting on his life decisions.

"Fuck you"
Alastor said menacingly not daring to look at the duck lover, but nothing could lower the blondes good mood.

A/N Omg Im laughing so hard making this I'm crying 😂

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