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Alastor left the dining room and saw lucifer in the hallway, his small white frame was pacing  up and down the corridor.
When he finally noticed the red demon about 10 feet away, his angry gaze turned softer, though still mad.
"I hate that cat"
Lucifer said with a strong tone in his voice. Alastor walked closer to the king, so that it forced him back into a wall.

"Darling trust me, he will pay"
That last part by Alastor was said rather demonically but that wasn't the part the golden haired king focused on, instead it was the part where he said "darling", that sent shivers up the kings spine.

"Careful, Alastor, wouldn't want to accidentally repeat last night in the hallway now, would we?"
The king asked rhetorically, loving teasing the radio demon who seemed somewhat flushed at the response he got, he recovered from the momentary shock and said seductively:

"Oh darling, say the word and I will take you, right here, right now"
Alastors breath was now mere inches from the kings sensitive neck, making the shorter one slightly moan in response. Lucifer turned his gaze anywhere but the radio demon, yet his chin was forced to look back up to Alastor with his fingers underneath it.

"F-fuck, don't tease me"
Lucifer was now stuttering at how hot Alastor sounded, there was a feeling arising in his nether regions, and since Alastor was flush against him, he also noticed this against his mid thigh.

Alastors neck was sore from leaning down to the kings neck so he grabbed the back of the kings things and hoisted him up, so that the demon was being straddled. Lucifers back was against the wall and his arms were around the tall demons shoulders, he loved this, being able to hold Alastor, and vice versa.
"Careful dear, my legs are still sore" Lucifer said smirking.

Alastor smirked back and put his face down against the kings neck, breathing in his expensive cologne that smelt like honey dandelions, and wealth. Alastor licked the kings neck and then bit down into it, making lucifer moan loudly,
"Sh-sh my king, wouldn't want the others hearing this now, would we?"
He mocked lucifer by mimicking his last sentence.

"Mmhm, but you feel so good"
He moaned, eyes fluttering shut, and only getting more turned on.

Lucifer wanted to spice things up, so he reached an arm down alastors back to his ass cheek, lucifer squeezed one.
"Ee" alastor let out a surprised squeal.

"Oh, I don't think so"
Alastor said evilly, he slammed lucifers back against the wall, and subsequently alastors body slammed against the kings, sending shockwaves of pleasure through their bodies.
Lucifers hand slightly moved because of being slammed into the wall, his hand landed on something short, stubby, and fluffy on the lower back of the demon. This terrified alastor, he tried his best to hide his little red tale under his long red jacket from the others.

When lucifer realised what it was, his eyes went comically wide,
"No ducking way"
His smile was so large and loving that his cheeks hurt.

Lucifers hands were playing with Alastors tail now, completely ruining the mood.
"Oh god, I was hoping you wouldn't realise that I had a tail"
Alastor sighed, already knowing that lucifer thought it was cute that he had a short, red and black, fluffy tale.

"What do you mean, it's sooooo cuuteee!"
Lucifers eyes practically had stars in them he was so happy. Alastor plopped lucifer down suddenly, causing the blonde to fall on his ass.

"Ah, shit, ALASTOR!"
He screamed at the proud figure walking away from him, who was hiding his smile.

He shouted to the far away figure in hopes he heard.

At the dining table

"Where do you think dad and alastor went?"
Charlie asked curiously, still worried about what happened earlier, as if on cue Alastor walked into the dining room.

"Sorry about that my fellow friends, husker, may I have a word with you"
Alastor asked with his usually creepy grin only extending, and voice tightening.

Husker thought to himself, 'shit, I'm gonna die, I hope angel knows I love him'

Husk responded, he looked petrified as he got up from his seat slowly and made his was to alastor who simply led the way out of the dining room, shutting the door behind him.

"L-look, alastor, i-"

"if you ever do that again, I will tear your soul apart and broadcast your screams for all of heaven and hell to hear, understood?"

Husk was now cowering on the floor with alastor above him, staring downwards at him, malice in his eyes. "Yes, Alastor" he responded shivering in fear. (Poor husk 😢)

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