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They arrive back at the hotel hand in hand and call everyone to the living room.

"Okay guys, we have news"
Lucifer said anxiously while shaking his hands up and down in front of his abdomen, Alastor noticed this and pieced together that he does this when he is nervous.

Everyone sat on the sofa leaning forward slightly, excited to hear what's new.

"Me and Al... ARE ENGAGED!"
He shouts while jumping slightly, Alastor was beside him with a large smile.

Everyone gets up off the couch and congratulates them for the engagement.

"Oh we so gotta have a hen and stag-do"
Angel said amused, he just wanted to party.

Lucifer nods rapidly, they all celebrated that evening with tons of drinks and chatter.

1 and and a half months later

Lucifer was 6 months into his pregnancy and was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable as the weeks went by.
Him, Alastor and Charlie were currently sat at the dining table with a book full of things they could pick from to go in their wedding, it went from picking one of the multiple options of bouquets, to deciding who would walk down the aisle.

"No, your walking down the aisle cause your more feminine"
Alastor said stubbornly. Lucifer huffed and gave in after half an hour of arguing, Alastor grinned at this.

"Okay, so you 2 have picked the bouquet, chair covers, flowers decorating the tables, and the theme, am I correct?"
Charlie asked while smiling giddily. They nodded.

"All that's left is the cake"
Charlie said.
Lucifer continues by saying,
Yeah we can choose the design from the book, but for the flavour we should go to a bakery.

Both Charlie and Alastor agreed, they picked a design for the cake and not even 20 minutes late they were in a bakery.

"Hello, whacha want?"
The person behind the till asked.

"We're looking to order a wedding cake, and we'd like to sample your flavours"
Alastor said, he was in a very good mood today, mainly cause he got his way with who was walking down the aisle.

The cashier nodded and went to the back of the old and run down looking store, he brought out a plate that had 6 different flavours of chunks of cake.

Charlie said as he handed each of them a plastic spoon.

The first flavour was Vanilla with cream and jam.
"Too basic"
Lucifer stated while tasting it.
Charlie said, she was only here for the cake LOL.

"But it's a classic"
Alastor said to defend the cakes "classic" flavour.

They all tried the next one, chocolate.
"It's too sweet for me"
Alastor says.
Lucifer agrees, Charlie smiled and took a small bit of the next flavour, lemon.

"Mmm, this is really nice"
She said and the 2 men took a bit and tried it.
Both had disgusted faces after trying it.

They sampled the next one, banana.

"Omg, this is so good"
Lucifer says closing his eyes.
"It is quite nice, especially with the buttercream on top"
Alastor agrees.
They try the next one, red velvet.

"Okay wow"
Alastor says,
"And I love the dark red and bright white colours together"
He continued.

Lucifer was silent. Alastor and Charlie look to him and see that he is sucking the spoon with the cake on it in pure bliss.

"This one"
He mumbles with the spoon still in his mouth.
They chuckle and try the next, coffee cake.

"It's alright"
Lucifer stated.
Alastor nodded along with charlie.

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