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Warning: shmex

1 month later (4 & 1/2 months into the pregnancy)

Lucifer had woken up at the crack of dawn, he was in Alastors bed when he felt a sick feeling in his stomach. He ran to the bathroom and threw up, being pregnant really took a toll on him.

He groaned in frustration while hunched over the toilet, Alastor entered the bathroom, when they were alone Alastor always dropped his usual grin and static behind his voice, though a small gentle smile remained on his face at all times, not through force, but love.

"Are you okay dear?"
Alastor asked sweetly.

"No, I feel sick and your toilet smells like ass"
Lucifer grumbled back. It was the crack of dawn and Lucifer was fed up of this routine that occurred every morning.

"I always assumed u liked the smell of my ass, well I mean you eat it often enough for me to conclude that"
Alastor teased while leaning down, his breath could be felt on the back of Lucifers neck.

Lucifer went bright red and turned away, he let out jagged breaths from the rising tension.

Lucifer responded hiding his face from the lustful gaze of his lover.

Alastor left the bathroom and went to get changed, Lucifer finished up in the bathroom and brushed his teeth thoroughly to get rid of the sick taste.

They went downstairs and got some cereal.

At the dining table

They were the the first ones downstairs, so they were alone. Alastor was eating his cereal in content silence while the blonde was stirring his with a spoon.

Alastors sad voice broke the silence.

Lucifer looked up at him and smiled, Alastor did not smile back.

"Yes my love?"
Lucifer responded, he knew what Alastor was going to say,and he couldn't do anything to change it.

"Please eat your breakfast, it's good for you, and our baby"
The demons voice was soft and laced with concern.

Lucifer felt his anger raise suddenly.

He got out of his chair and stomped away, since being pregnant his hormones had increased dramatically, one minute he was all over Alastor, the next he wanted to kill him.

Alastor sighed, he knew there was nothing he could do about the hormones.
He got put the bowls in the sink after emptying what was left in the bin, and made a ham and cheese sandwich to take to his partner.

As he was making the sandwich a tear fell down his cheek, he was sad, he hated when Lucifer shouted at him.

All of a sudden he felt even sadder, he dropped the knife onto the counter and leaned over it, his arms were supporting his weight as he cried silently, his body shaking with sobs.
His usual smile was still on his face, though it was plagued with sadness, it wobbled as it dared to drop. His eyes were scrunched up, they were trying to hold back the tears to no avail.

He stood there, in the kitchen, all alone. A minute later he dried his tears on his sleeve and picked up the knife from the counter and cut the sandwich in half.

He was walking to Lucifers room while holding back the new tears that formed in the corner of his eyes.

He knocked on the door 3 times and waited for an answer, the door opened and he saw Lucifer. The blonde moved to the side and let the demon in, then shut the door. Alastor entered the cold, dark room and put on his best fake smile.

Alastor said monotonously handing the small blonde the plate. Lucifer took the plate and smiled softly.

Lucifer replied quietly.

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