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They showered and headed downstairs after getting dressed into their usual clothes.

"Heyyyy daaaad, Alastorrrr, have you two made up yet!"
Charlie asked wincing slightly.

Lucifer smiled at his daughter and nodded happily, Charlie started squealing and jumping on the spot, she was so happy they weren't fighting anymore, she hated to see both of them so upset.

"PERFECT, now you two can participate in my next activity, which isssss.... MAKING ICECREAM!"
Charlie said in her usual overly excited voice.

Unbeknownst to the whole group, Alastor thought this would be fun, though he'd never tell them.

"Okay, everyone come to the kitchen"
Charlie said while walking there, well, skipping.

They all followed and Lucifer and Alastor were behind everyone, lucifers hand found alastors and grabbed on. The radio demon looked at the blonde and smiled more softly at his love.

"Okay now, everyone get into pairs!"
Charlie continued.
Husk went with Angel, of course.
Charlie and vaggie were together.
The radio demon and king were together.
And nifty...wasnt here.

"Where's nifty?"
Vaggie asked looking around, everyone looked around momentarily before either shrugging or shaking their heads.

"Okay well, I guess she wouldn't have a partner anyways, so let's just get started and she can be the taste tester later on."
Charlie said clasping her hands together.

"Right, everyone to a space in the kitchen where the counter is clear"
Vaggie said and then moved towards one of the corners of the kitchen, Charlie followed along, and so did everyone else.

"Right, now infront of all of you is two pots of cream, ice, sugar, and vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate flavourings, take the cream and place it in a bowl"
Vaggie stated while her and Charlie got a pot of cream each, and poured it into the large bowl infront of them.

"No, Lucifer, you have to take the lid off first"
Alastor mentioned with a grin, lucifer blushed in embarrassment.
He took the lid off for the king and poured both at the same time.

Husk shouted at the tall spider demon who was holding back his laughter.

Everyone looked to the spider and cat, Husks front was covered in cream.
"Now huska, that's not the first time something like this has happened, yet your complaining this time, why?
Angel said knowing full well he would pay for this later.

Everyone looked shocked at the two, even though everyone knew they were a secret couple, no one expected for angel to say anything like that.

"Uhmmm, moving on! Next get half of the sugar in the bag and pour it into the cream."
Charlie said.

Alastor accidentally poured the sugar till over half was gone.
"Alastor, that's way too much!"
Lucifer stated.

"Well if you weren't distracting me then I never would have poured so much!"
Alastor said gritting his teeth.


"Ooohkayyyy, next we stir"
Charlie said trying to cease the arguing.

Lucifer grabbed the spoon and started stirring with a pout, he felt the taller demons eyes on him so when it was almost fully stirred, he grabbed the spoon and wiped it onto the red-headed demons nose. Biiiig mistake.

Lucifer giggled at the demons cream covered nose,
"I suggest you remove this at once, or you will not like what I will do next!"
The static increased in his voice, ohhh he was pissed alright.

Lucifer smirked and put his finger to his nose swiping off the cream, then he brought it to his own mouth and licked it off while staring up at Alastor.

Alastor was trying so hard to not be hard, though the attempt failed when lucifer let out a barely audible moan at the taste. No one else could hear this luckily as he was so quiet.

The radio demon was silent, lucifer went back to stirring the mixture innocently humming, that is until he felt alastors chest flushed against his back, and, something else as well.

Lucifer blushed madly when he felt Alastor sway slightly side to side to gain friction.

"When you have finished stirring, put one of the 3 flavours in and mix that."
Charlie stated completely oblivious to her dad and his partner.

Alastors hand snaked around the kings arm and grabbed the chocolate flavour, he leaned down to the kings ear while doing so and whispered:
"Next time you try to test me, I will make you cum in the most serious situations involving everyone here, and if they find out, then thats on you for moaning too loud"

Lucifer now felt as hard as a rock, he kept his mouth shut and body against the counter to hide his obvious boner.
Alastor backed off of the king and poured some of the chocolate flavoured sauce in the batter.

Lucifer stirred this and didn't dare say another word incase he accidentally moaned.

Husk and angel only had half of the batter left as Husk was covered in the other half, they used the strawberry sauce.

Vaggie and Charlie used a mix of chocolate and vanilla sauce as a little experiment.

"Next, pour the combination of ingredients into a ziplock bag, and place it into the bowl of ice infront of you"
Charlie said.

Lucifer poured it into the bag carefully, while alastor quietly and seductively said into the king ear:
"Don't spill any, or you will be licking it up"

Lucifer let out a small moan that gained the attention of the other groups, he coughed awkwardly.
"*cough* don't mind me I just have a sore throat"

They all looked back at their own spaces to continue the task.

"Hmm, looks like you will later"
Alastor teased quietly, lucifer turned around to the demon behind him and pressed his body into his, he moved his head up as far to the demon as possible, he reached his neck while on his tip toes.

"If you get me any harder, I will have to fuck you right here"
The king said into the neck of the demon who's breath got caught into his throat, he never let his usual smile disappear though.

"Mmm, I would happily-"

vaggie shouted as lucifer backed away from the demon suddenly and turned around to the counter while looking down blushing.
Alastor looked unfazed.

"Sorry dear, just got a little carried away is all"
Alastor said chirpily, he loved that he had such a strong effect on the blonde angel.

They finished making the ice cream mixture and left it in the ice bowl to condense, they hurriedly rushed upstairs to lucifers room after to relieve some of their pressure.

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