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The next morning

Lucifer wakes up on the sofa with Alastor in the same position he had fell asleep in, Lucifers legs felt numb from Alastors body weight leaning on them all night so he went to move. Alastors arms wrapped around his torso to keep him in the same position, a slightly unhappy look was present on the demons face from the movement.

A small voice arose from the large demon.

"Baby I gotta get up, my legs are very numb"
Lucifer whispered as to not wake the others.

A few seconds later he heard a groan and felt the pressure relieve itself from his abdomen and legs, he was free to get up as Alastor had sat up and was now rubbing his eyes from tiredness. As much as Lucifer thought that the sight before him was adorable and breathtaking, he knew that if he didn't move in the next few minutes he would not be able to feel his legs at all from the lack of blood.

Lucifer swings his legs over the sofas edge and stands up, pins and needles flood them and he uncomfortably walks to the kitchen to grab breakfast. Since being pregnant his eating disorder had almost fully disappeare, this is cause he knew that the baby he was carrying needed nutrients, or she would die.

He gets to the kitchen and makes tea and cereal, he takes it to the lounge and sees everyone asleep still, Alastor had fallen back asleep in an upright position with his head leaning uncomfortably on the back of the sofa.

He sits down carefully to not wake up his fiancée, and starts munching on his cereal.

Alastor woke up partially and used all the energy he had to swing his body around so his head was in Lucifers lap, but since his belly took up most of that room, he grabbed a pillow and laid it next to his belly, then Alastor rested his head on the pillow and faced Lucifers belly, he kissed it and stroked it as if the baby girl were already born. Lucifer smiled and pet Alastors head softly to lull him back to sleep.

3 hours later

"Byeee, thanks for coming"
Lucifer said while smiling and waving as Cherri and Rosie left the hotel, Alastor stood beside him looking hungover as hell while waving at Rosie with a tired smile.

Lucifer shut the door and smiled at his partner.
"Are you hungry? You haven't had breakfast"

Alastor responded with,
"Bread, I crave bread, or any carb to soak up what i haven't thrown up in the toilet yet"

Lucifer chuckled at the messy looking demon In yesterdays untidy clothes,
"Okay baby, let's get you bread"

They go to the kitchen and Alastor gets his bread, he eats it as if he hasn't eaten in days, he even almost choked twice.

Next they go up to Alastors room and lay on the bed chatting about their evenings.

"I'm so glad you got on really well with Husk"
Lucifer mumbles into Alastors hair.

Alastor hmm's and Lucifer felt him tense up suddenly.

"What is it?"
The blonde asks.

"Me and husk kissed..."


"Was it romantically?"
Lucifer asks worried.

Alastor shakes his head no rapidly.
"Oh god no, well what happened was I wanted to try the shot Husk had, bare in mind we were about 25 shots in each at this point, not to mention all the other drinks, and so Husk pulls me in to kiss me for a few seconds so I can taste the shot he had...Are you mad?"

Lucifer burst out laughing.
He almost shouts from laughter.

"Will you keep it down, I think all of hell heard that!"
Alastor scolded, he was not amused in the slightest, but Lucifer, well he almost peed his pants from laughing way to hard.

"It's. Not. Funny."
The demon growled. However this was counterproductive, it made Lucifer laugh harder.

Alastor got up and started walking out the door.

"Wait wait wait no baby hang on, come back"
Lucifer begged while coming down from his hysteria. Alastor stopped and looked at the red faced angel with a grouchy look just before he left the room.

"I promise I won't mention it again....as long as I don't walk into you and Husk doing it doggy style in the bar-HAHAHAHA"
Lucifer burst out laughing once more. Alastors frown deepened and he walked out the door, this again made Lucifer laugh even harder.

Lucifer calmed down, and went downstairs to go and innocently sit at the bar.

"So husk....ya kiss my fiancé?"
Lucifer mimicked a serious face and tone.
Husks face showed that he just remembered the antic, he had been looking rough already but this...this topped the cake, he went pale and his eyes went wide.

"I-I-I-I I didn't know what I was doing I just did it so he could taste the shot and-and-"

"Woah woah, calm down husk, it's okay I thought it was funny"
Lucifer said trying to calm the shaking cat who was frozen in place.

"A-are you sure?"
He whispered.

"Yes, when Alastor told me, I asked if it was romantic and he said no, so there is no problem, and you guys were drunk af by that point I'm assuming, so it's no big deal"
Lucifer said smiling softly and speaking in a reassuring tone.

Husk voice raised from a whisper to a small sound, his body had stopped shaking violently and he was now just very wary.

They made small talk and a few jokes and the Lucifer got up. He walked to the sofa where Charlie was watching tv with Vaggie and sat next to her.

"Hey dad"

"Hey char"

After that they watched tv in a comfortable silence for a bit.

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