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Charlie and lucifer arrived at the hotels front door at around 8PM, lucifer had changed before they left into his regular suit. They went inside and lucifer felt all of his guilt rushing back, he swallowed down the lump in his throat.

None of the people residing inside of the hotel knew what happened between the lovers, though they knew it was bad.

"Where's Alastor?"
Lucifer asked nervously, while standing in the lounge with Charlie and Vaggie.

"He's in his room, he hasn't left it once since you two had some sorta fight"
Charlie said super worried about the two.

"I, I think I should go talk to him"
Lucifer said equally as nervous as Charlie.

Charlie and Vaggie said that they thought it was a good idea, so off he went up to the radio demons room, the whole time he was holding back tears. The nervousness he felt in his stomach was enough to make a human to throw up.

He got to the door and cautiously knocked a few times, the door opened slightly and he walked into the dark room.

"Husk go away"
He heard a frail voice say, the demon was wrong though, and he'd soon find out.

There was a long pause before....

The demon lying on his bed jerked up at the voice he had grown so familiar with.
Lucifer walked over slowly to the bed that alastor was on, he perched on the edge and silently cried, he couldn't hold his tears anymore.

"Alastor i-"
The blonde felt arms wrap around his shaking body.

Alastor hugged lucifer when he noticed that the short king was crying,
"Sh sh sh, it's okay"
The red-head said sweetly"

This made lucifer cry even more while hugging him back tightly, the blonde kept repeating "I'm sorry" over and over.

The guilt had practically eaten away at him this past day and a half. They stayed like this for 5 minutes before lucifer pulled back, he looked at the other through his teary eyes and lifted his hand to cup alastors face.

"My alastor, I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry"
He cried even more and pulled the other into a sweet loving kiss, alastor returned it back.

Lucifer pulled away and asked, "why aren't you mad?" His confusion showed through his water filled eyes, Alastor responded with,
"You needed some alone time, I was too clingy, I understand why you got mad"
Alastor had no static behind his voice and this showed lucifer his response was genuine.

"I'm so sorry my deer, I hurt you, I can never forgive myself for that"
Lucifer pulled out of alastors grasp and looked away still feeling the guilt.
He didn't respond.

"Look at me"
Still the king didn't respond.
Alastor moved his finger underneath the chin of the other, and moved his head to face him.

Lucifers eyes were filled with guilt and sadness, alastor looked at him with sympathy.
Sure alastor was hurt by what lucifer did, though he realised soon after that he had crossed a line.

"Luci, I forgive you, please look at me my love"
His voice was still bare, the static was absent.
Lucifer looked at him, immediately after, the red-head leaned in to kiss the blonde, alastor felt his cheeks get wet, lucifer was crying.
Alastor pulled back and brought the other into a hug.

They laid down onto the bed and fell asleep in each others embrace.

The next morning

"Lucifer wake up, I'm hungry let's go get breakfast"
Alastor was lead on his side staring at the blonde while he was sleeping, he was admiring his beauty.

He said squeakily, he pulled the demon ontop of him hugging him close. They were both still in their regular clothes.

The demon tried to get out of the grip of the king, though he was too strong, then when he tried to pull away again he noticed the blondes arm.

"Oh luci, what did you do?"
Alastor said sadly, momentarily the blonde was confused, then he realised and his face turned to a worried look, he looked at his arm that was exposed and looked down ashamed.

Alastor pulled the angel into a hug,
"Please stop doing that, it doesn't fix anything"
The red-head said, he was really upset because he thought that he caused this.

Luci pulled back and folded his arms, alastor looked at him sympathetically and pulled one arm out of the folded position and pulled up the sleeve. He kissed each quickly healing new cut with love.

Lucifer was staring at him with so much love present in his eyes. Alastor looked up feeling his gaze on him and smiled.
"Let's go shower, I haven't in a while"
Alastor said getting up from the bed, lucifer followed.

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