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The next day

"Uuugh" Lucifer groaned while hunched over the toilet, he was sick and Alastor was concerned.
'The king shouldn't get sick' is what he thought.

Lucifer threw up in the toilet once again,
He wiped his face with his pyjama sleeve and exited Alastors  bathroom.

Lucifer looked at the worried-looking stag on the bed and smiled weakly, trying to reassure him he was okay. It did little to settle Alastors nerves though, lucifer took a seat on the bed next to lucifer and drank some water that was in a glass on the side table, it was from a few days ago, though he didn't care that it was old.

"Luci, I thought you couldn't get sick?"
Alastor said while rubbing lucifers back.

Lucifer groaned and shrugged.
"Me too"

Lucifer turned to Alastor with tears in his eyes and Alastor immediately pulled the king into his chest to give him comfort. (What i'd do to have someone care this much...)

"It will be okay love, you will be okay, I promise"
Alastor said, unsure of what he was saying.
He was scared that the blonde wasn't okay, that he couldn't protect him from a simple sickness.

"I hope so"
The blonde responded.

They got dressed after a while, and headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

"What do you want lucifer?"
Alastor said from behind him.

He responded eagerly while looking at the demon.

"For breakfast?"
Alastor was slightly surprised at the choice.
Lucifer nodded quickly and wrapped his arms tightly around the waist of Alastor, while repeating the word 'please' and looking up at Alastor.

The red-head chuckled and nodded while hugging Lucifer back.
"Alastor, I love you, so much"
Lucifer said sweetly while moving his arms around the neck of the demon.

Alastor pulled lucifer in for a kiss, he rested his interlocked hands on the lower back of Lucifer. Since Lucifer had a more feminine body, his ass was big enough so that Alastor could relax his hands slightly and rest them on the top of Lucifers ass.

Lucifer pulled back and smiled, he knew this was Alastors way of saying 'I love you' back, since he hadn't quite got comfortable saying it when others could be around yet.
Lucifer knew this stuff could take time, and he would wait forever if he had to.

Lucifer pulled away and went to the modern-silver fridge, he opened it and took out some of the ingredients for jambalaya.
Alastor went to the cupboards and opened them to grab the rest of the ingredients.

However long later it takes to make jambalaya

"Mmmhm, this looks sooo good"
Lucifer happily said while pouring some in his white ceramic bowl.

Alastor agreed, he took the saucepan and poured the rest of the food into his bowl.

Alastor said while taking both hot bowls in his hands.

They went to the dining room and sat down, Alastor placed the bowls in front of them and lucifer thanked him.

They are their food and went to get up before Alastor said:

"Darling, you haven't eaten very much, did you not like it?"

Lucifer responded while fiddling with his hands by saying,
"It was really nice, Alastor, I guess I just wasn't very hungry after all"

Alastor didn't buy this, in fact, he'd noticed over the past few weeks that lucifer didn't eat much at all.

"Lucifer....why...why don't you eat very much"
Alastor said cautiously, he was scared that what he thought would actually be the reason why Lucifer didn't eat much.

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