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1 week later

"Wake up my love"
Alastor said gently, removing the radio static, so his true voice was used.

Lucifers eyes fluttered open, wincing slightly from the morning sun intruding in his sight.
"Where's the radio static in your voice gone?"
He asked sleepily,
"Would you rather I get it back?"
Alastor said slightly worried he exposed himself too much,

"NO-no, definitely not, I love your natural voice"
The tired blonde said, worried Alastor felt rejected. Lucifer sat up leaning against the back of the dark red bed, sighing from exhaustion.

"Hmm, okay then"
Alastor responded removing the radio static once more. But he would only do this when they were alone.

"Fuck, that's hot"
Lucifer groaned looking away, this made Alastor smirk, glad with the reaction from his partner.

Alastor sat up on his knees and straddled lucifer,
"Oh god, your gonna be the death of me al"
Lucifer moaned.
Alastor hummed and leaned down to lucifers lips kissing them gently, he then backed away a few seconds later to lucifers dismay, and got up.

"Today I'm going to visit my friend Rosie, would you be interested in joining me, my king?"
Alastor said smoothly which made lucifer practically fold, (mentally obvs or he would crush Alastor)

"I would be delighted my deer"
Lucifer responded pulling alastors pj's so that alastors lips would crash into his own.

Later that day at cannibal town

"Why Rosie, my darling, how lovely it is to see you"
Alastor gleamed walking into Rosie's shop, the king trailing nervously behind him.

"Alastor, how lovely for you to drop in, and oh, who is this nice man behind you"
She said sweetly, glad Alastor came, while walking towards him embracing him in a caring hug.

"This, Rosie, is my boyfriend, lucifer"
Alastor said blushing, so was lucifer though because he hadn't really heard Alastor refer to him as his boyfriend before.
But he loved it, he wanted nothing more than to scream from the rooftops that alastor was his boyfriend, this made him feel giddy, like a school boy with their crush.

"Lucifer Morningstar?!, wow Alastor, you do go for the powerful ones huh, lovely to meet you your majesty"
Rosie curtsied slightly then shook his hand, lucifer was pleased to meet Alastors friend and was being pleasant to her, for his boyfriends sake.

"Nice to meet you too, Rosie, and please call me lucifer"
He smiled sweetly at the thin woman in a long old fashioned purple dress.

"My dear, you seem to be limping lucifer, are you okay?"
She asked concerned, and at this lucifers cheeks reddened.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you, just...got a bit carried away with something, I guess"
Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck, while looking away, in an attempt to make him feel more relaxed.

"Oh Alastor, I always knew you were an ace in the hole"
Rosie said smirking,
"A what now?-"
Alastor looked traumatised. (Poor cannibalistic, murderous, and slightly deranged, baby😔)

"Come, come, let's go to a cafe and have some lunch"
Rosie said smiling while she lead the men out of her very purple and pink shop, locking the door behind them. Lucifer, unknown to the others, thought lunch was the last thing he needed.

They walked to the shop, Alastor and Rosie were chatting happily, while lucifer was struggling to walk because of his ass, and also from the worry of getting lunch.

They got to the shop not 3 minutes later and they went to sit at a more reserved table, rather than the ones more out in the open.

Lucifer went to sit down and winced, both Alastor and Rosie noticed this, both found it amusing.
"Oh Alastor, the poor boy can't even sit comfortably, you must be more gentle"
Rosie quirked up saying. Alastors face was hilariously red.

"I'm fine"
Lucifer said still wincing, yet trying to hide it and failing miserably.

An hour later after lunch

"Oh Alastor, you shoulda been there, it was hilarious"
Rosie said smiling.

"Oh that sounds like it would have been a blast, I still can't believe Susan got thrown into a pile of hay, though she did have it coming"
Alastor said smiling happily at Rosie, while chatting away.

Lucifer on the other hand was not in such a happy mood, he knew that Rosie and Alastor were friends, and had been for centuries, but that that still didn't stop his brain from making him feel as if he wasn't important enough to be included in the conversation.

What really happened though, was that alastor just got carried away with talking to his friend, he completely missed lucifers unhappy expression. They carried on talking for about another 20 minutes before they wrapped it up, finishing their teas.

"Lucifer, dear, you barely touched your soup!"
Rosie commented, lucifer was worried but responded the best he could with:
"Oh I wasn't that hungry, anyways"
He smiled at her hoping she would drop it, she did, though alastor thought this was strange.

"Rosie darling, it was a delight to see you again"
Alastor hugged the thin demon, and she smiled back at him saying,
"Absolutely. You should visit more often, I do miss our gossip sessions."
She let go of him and turned to the king saying,
"Lovely to meet you lucifer, truly a pleasure to meet one of alastors partners"

Without any bad intentions, Rosie accidentally made lucifer seethe with anger silently, though he just smiled and waved at her goodbye, barely containing himself, as she left.

Lucifers brain was swirling with thoughts,
'What does she mean one of alastors partners, he couldn't have had that many, could he?, last I checked he didn't have any partners, not for a long time at least'
Lucifers face twisted in anger.

"-cifer, hello"
He was pulled out of his disassociation with a pale slim hand, waving in front of his face.

He said angrily looking up at the tall demon, who was taken aback by the angry blonde.

"You have been standing here, staring off into the distance for about 30 seconds, you had me worried there my love"
Alastor said chuckling, trying to ease the situation.

Though alastors attempt failed when lucifer responded with:
"Oh, I'm sure you weren't too worried though!"
At this point lucifers anger was palpable as he stormed out of the cafe walking quickly back to the hotel, with a confused alastor walking behind him, trying to keep up.


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