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It's currently 11:45PM, still the night of the party, and so far cherry and angel are sat at the bar with husk serving the 2 drink after drink, husk himself is also completely smashed.
Charlie and Vaggie are sat on the sofa chatting,
Nifty hasn't drunk anything bar cream sodas as she is considered by the rest of them to be "too young" to drink.
Alastor and Lucifer however are slow dancing together to the jazz music, they are staring into each others eyes with so much love and care.

Alastors arms are around lucifers super thin waist, and the kings arms are draped around the tall demons neck.
The jazz is quiet, yet still overpowering all of the other conversations in the room.
The atmosphere is pleasant for everyone and they are all having an amazing time (not for long ;)

Lucifer was staring at the demon memorising his partially tanned face,
"I love you"
Lucifer says with a worried look, scared the feeling is unrequited.

"My sweet lucifer, I love you more than words can describe"
This took lucifer aback because it was not something he thought alastor might say, he thought it was very out of character.
Lucifer smiled gently and pulled the demon down for a slow kiss, Alastor had no problem kissing him back immediately.

Charlie looked over the room and saw the couple on the dance floor sharing a loving kiss,
She said with her hands balled either side of her face in adoration.

This pulled the men away from the special moment as they looked to Charlie with red embarrassed faces, they weren't sure whether they were dizzy from the lack of oxygen or alcohol.

They let go of one another as the music came to an end, and they walked over hand in hand to the bar as a new song started, a more upbeat one.

"I dId NoT eAt yOuR bIsCuIts!"
Angel says barely being able to stay on his stool. He was absolutely pissed, practically black out drunk.

"I wEnT tO tHe KiTcHeN aNd ThEy wErE GoNe!"
Cherry bomb said back, equally as drunk, she continued her sentence by saying:

"I'm GonNa Be sIcK!"
She wobbly rushed out of the hotel to the front door and everyone could hear her be sick, they all cheered raising their drinks (it's an English thing, it may be just from where I'm from idk, but idk why people do it 🤷‍♀️).

"I'm goNna go geT someThing, be bAck in a minueTe"
Alastor said to lucifer giving him a very short kiss, then heading up the stairs.

Husk, angel and lucifer were now at the bar as angel seductively said looking at lucifer:
"HeYa ShoRt kinG"

"Hi AnGeL, HusKa, CaN yOuUUuUuu PlEAseEEe get mE a DrInk"
Lucifer slurred his words severely,

"SurE, here ya Go"
Husk handed the bottle of strawberry tequila to the blonde king (seems like a strawberry tequila guy to me).

He took the bottle that was half empty, tried to open the lid but couldn't as he saw 5 bottles so he kept reaching for the wrong one. So Angel, who was even more drunk, took the bottle from his hands and opened it with ease as when he has been drunk before, learned which one is always the real one.

"ThAnKs anGeL"
He said putting the bottle to his lips and downing half of the remaining liquor.

Angel said surprised at the amount the king drank.

At this point the king put the bottle down sloppily and rested his head against the table with a thud.
"HoW BoUt mE aNd YoU"
Angel then pointed to the stairs with a smirk, forgetting the king has a boyfriend.


"CmOn ShOrT kInG, iM sUrE yOuLl eNjOy iT"
He was now closer to the king as he scooted up a bar stool, his face was only a foot away from Lucifer as he winked at the blonde.

"I CaNt CaUsE oF aL-"


They both looked at the noise and saw a teary eyed alastor, who's smile was entirely false, though he felt he couldn't drop his facade, however he did drop a ceramic duck painted half as lucifer and half as alastor himself.
It was clear that alastor has painted it, it felt like a punch to the gut to lucifer to see the demon so upset.

Tears were brimming at the sad and betrayed eyes of the radio demon.

"alastor i-"
Lucifer tried but was cut off by alastor.

"Forget it"
The demon walked away now completely sober, same as lucifer.

"No..alastor..fuck, what have I done.."
He said to himself with tears of his own falling down his face, he felt so bad he didn't tell Angel to leave him alone straight away.

Lucifer went to run after alastor, though he was already gone by the time he ran up the stairs, he collapsed onto the hallway floor with his body shaking from the sobs.

"What have I doneee"
He cried as he teleported himself to his room.
Although it wasn't his fault, he believed it was entirely his fault.
The miscommunication between them has now become something it would have never become if lucifer was able to explain.

TW explicit mentions of SH

He ran over to his drawer with the last bit of energy he had and opened it, he sifted through it still sobbing and found his blade.
He rolled up his sleeves and started cutting deep into his skin, crying got louder from the pain he believed he deserved, he was bleeding heavily and then switched arms as there was no area left on that one arm left for him to slice.

End of SH

Up in Alastors room

Alastor was on his bed cross legged and hunched over crying into his pillow silently, all of a sudden he felt something was wrong, something was very very wrong.

He ran out of his room and into the hallway, he didn't know why something felt wrong, but he knew he didn't want to wait any longer to find out what might have happened. So with a tear stained face he ran into lucifers room slamming the door open to find-

A/N ha, sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger

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