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Silence, that was all there was among the shocked faces, nothing but the dead silence until...

Charlie said quietly, she had broken the silence that felt as if it had lasted forever, no one but her daring to say a word.

"What does Alastor mean...he said you have a baby.....are you pregnant?"
She continued, normally she was oblivious to pretty much everything, however this was clear as day.

Lucifer looked up from the floor hesitantly to meet her confused eyes, he was so so scared about what her reaction may be.
He nodded very slowly at Charlie to confirm her sentence.

Charlie gathered the courage to move from her spot on the sofa that she had felt so strongly inclined to stay at, she walked slowly from the couch over to her dad, his eyes had shown his terror and that was enough for her to engulf him in a loving hug.

Lucifer let out a breath of relief and slowly hugged back, tears had welled in his eyes.
They stood there for a moment before Charlie let her dad go, her smile was wider than ever.

She shouted while jumping, everyone let out the breaths they were holding and went up to the couple to congratulate them, everyone had one question though, how could a man be pregnant?

A few minutes later Angel asked:

"How in hell are you able to carry a baby?"
He looked so confused. Lucifer looked up to him and smiled softly.

"Well, angels have both reproductive systems, but when the time comes I will have to have a caesarean, just like when I had Charlie"

Everyone went silent once more.

Vaggie asked.

"Yeah, I had her, Lilith thought it was below her to bare a child so I made the decision to carry her"
Lucifer said, little did he know a secret that he held for a long long time was about to come to light.

"Okay, well if ya carried Charlie then how did you mix your and Lilith's DNA if you used your egg, cause she don't have any sperm last I checked"
Angel said still confused.

Lucifer went pale, well, paler than he was before if that's possible.

Charlie said, now she was questioning how she was made.

"Well....actually, your not biologically related to Lilith..."
Lucifer sorta went quiet at the end of his response, though everyone heard.

Charlie replied.


Lucifer said, no one but him said a word.

"Wait so...I'm...you?...but like a girl?"
She was truly shocked, her poor young brain could barely comprehend the situation at the moment.

Lucifer said, he had no clue how she would respond.

"But you turned out so good that I'm questioning whether your even mine"
He continued with a little chuckle at the end.

"So mum isn't really my mum?"
She asked.

"Technically I'm your mum..."
Lucifer replied, Alastor let out a little chuckle at this response.

"Damn, okay, well, right, well i-"
Charlie tried to make a comprehensive sentence, though her mouth wouldn't let her.

Vaggie stepped next to Charlie beside her and took her shoulders in her hands while facing the 2 men.
"I'm gonna take this one to our room so she can get a grasp of the situation"
Vaggie stated, she smiled sweetly at them and said:

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