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Later on that day

Alastors POV

I open my eyes to see my sweet Lucifer sleeping on my chest, we were naked and I remembered what happened. I go slightly red at the fact that I bottomed this time, though I can't say I didn't enjoy it thoroughly.

I move my hand to the hair of the blonde, and start playing with it.
'God, he is so beautiful'
This thought seemed to appear in my mind daily, I was truly in love.

He said raspy while facing away from me, 'if he does this again I may have to go again, if ya know what I mean'

"Good morning dear, well actually its like 2 in the afternoon, but never the less"
I said smiling.

He chuckled and I felt my heart expanding inside of my rib cage.

I lean my head down to kiss his blonde hair and he looked at me, his eyes were deep ocean blue, 'I could stare at him forever'.

He giggles and it pulls me out of my daydream.
I ask.

He replies with,
"Nothing baby, it's just that your staring at me is all"

"Was I? My bad, actually, it's your bad for being so beautiful"
I say and grin at him.

He scoffs and moves off of my chest, I frown when he gets up but I get to see his ass while he walks to the bathroom, so I guess that's a bonus.

"I can feel your eyes on my ass"
He said from the bathroom, I could tell he was smiling by his voice.

"Oh please, I got you pregnant, thats way worse."
I retort back smirking, I get off the bed using my stiff body and walk into the bathroom to see him in the shower facing away from me.

I take this golden opportunity and walk into the large shower and sneak my hands around his waist, I rest them on his bump and lean my head on the top of his.

"Hey, I was tryna shower!"
He frowns playfully.

"And I just want to hold you, so looks like you will have to wait."

He scoffs once again and turns around in my arms, my hands are now resting on the small of his back. That was until I squeezed one of his ass cheeks.

He looks 'offended' and slaps my hand away, I smirk and chuckle at the super short king.

"Yknow I'm the king of hell, and your just an overlord right?"
He says.

"And who fucked you so hard you got pregnant?"
I ask.

He blushes and looks to the wall of the shower, I lean my face down to his ear and whisper,
"I may just be an overlord, but I sure pound you like a king, I can tell you feel that way from the noises I get from you"

He turns his whole body around so his back is against me, I hear rugged breaths come from him over the showers noise.

"Darling. Face me"
I ask nicely. He doesn't oblige so I pick up his body and turn him around in my arms so he is straddling me, his back is against the wall and his face is red. I can feel his boner against my stomach.

"Hmm, looks like you enjoy it when I talk dirty to you"
I say seductively.

He stared at me with alarmed eyes, and was still blushing madly.

I move my face to his and kiss him softly.
"Your lucky you have a baby in you, or I would have bent you over and had my way until you couldn't stand anymore"
I say when I pull back, he groans in lust and leans his head against the wall behind him.

I smile at the effect I have and put him down, then grab the shower hose and wash our bodies.

We get out of the shower and walk into our bedroom and get dressed, well it's my bedroom but he is in it every night so it's his as well.

Then we head down to grab a snack as we missed lunch.

I open the fridge with him by my side and grab the Greek yogurt, I pour some in 2 bowls and sprinkle some oats on top, I finish it off with freshly cut strawberries and honey. (My fave snack 🤤)

We go to the lounge and see most of the people there, all except Charlie and Angel.

We walk to the sofa where nifty and Vaggie are sat and sit next to them.
It all seemed off, everyone kept quiet, husk was at the bar silently staring at the bars counter while drinking his drink, Vaggie and Nifty were both watching tv, though they seemed to have uncomfortable looks on their faces.

"Okay why is everyone so quiet?"
Lucifer asks, 'thank god he said it and not me'

"We uuh, heard you two"
Vaggie speaks up.

"What does that me-OHHH, shit"
Luci says. I chuckle and look down to hide my smile.

"You think it's funny traumatising Charlie with that shit?"
Husk said from the bar, I look at him warningly.

He gives me a dirty look and downs the last of his drink before putting it on the side behind the front counter.

"I may not own your soul anymore, but I can still make you feel all the pain-"

"Al, calm down"
Lucifer said sternly.

I turn to look at him and my face softens, then I notice his jacket isn't done up, I move my hands to the side of his white blazer and go to button it up, but somethings in the way. Our baby.

I smile fondly and he looks at me with so much love. I look at him and caress his face,
"Sweetheart, I think we should get you some more clothes, I mean getting larger shirts was a good idea so that your bump would fit, but your jacket doesn't do up, and you can only go so big in the shirt sizes before you look like your drowning in them"

He smiled and nodded.
"What do I wear instead?"

"Let's go shopping, my treat, and I know u have billions of pounds, but I wish to pay"

He nodded at my idea and we head off to the store.

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