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Having his mom and dad beside him for a long time made Daehoon a lot more energetic. The second night when Chenle stayed with them, the kid was all over the room and never got tired of singing and jumping around.

Both of his parents find it hard to calm him, but they know better than to deprive him of this happiness. They sang along with the kid and even stayed up later than his usual sleeping time until his energy fully died down and he slept on his father's arms.

That night, they laid Daehoon between them, and the three of them cuddled under one blanket.

The house is louder than usual. Except for the kid's hollers, Sulhee finds it harder to tame him and loudly call his name, causing such noises. Yushi has exams, so he wasn't seen outside his room too much, and it seems like Bora prefers this kind of atmosphere than the quiet one.

Daehoon doesn't demand for Chenle now that he knows that the man will come home to them at the end of the day. Also, they always do video calls every lunchtime.

"It looks like Daehoon will learn his way through phones," Karina commented when she saw how the kid tapped through Sulhee's phone.

"I hope he won't get addicted to it at such a young age. He somehow finds entertainment on Chenle's phone lately. Le's phone is full of children's games now."

Karina laughed. "Just make sure to not let him get used to gadgets. This modern generation of kids lives on gadgets now that they scare me."

"Is that the reason why you don't want to find a mate and have a kid?" Jeno teases, and the girl just sticks her tongue out.

"At least I'm free from obligations. No shade, Sulhee-ah."

"None taken." Sulhee chuckled and went to her son to check up on him. "Baby, what are you doing?"

"Text dada," Daehoon answered in a giggle.

Sulhee's eyes widened, and she immediately looked at her phone. It was really in Chenle's chat, and the messages all contain unreadable words and lots of emojis. It seems like it's been going on for a long time now.

"Baby, stop now. Daddy is working."

"No, dada not."

"He is. We shouldn't disturb dada. Dada's work is very important."

"What about me?"

"Hmm?" Sulhee looked at her son. "Of course, baby, you're more important. That's why dada still finds a way to reply, but we shouldn't take advantage of it. Dada has a full schedule today. Let's just wait for dada to come home, okay?"

"Okay," Daehoon pouted and unwillingly gave the phone back to his mom.

Sulhee pats his head. "Very good, baby. Go to Uncle Jen for now."

The sound of his uncle's name made him smile back, and he ran to the said man. Jeno is also quick to lift the kid up and let him sit on his lap, then give him a paper and a box of crayons to play with.

Sulhee remembered Chenle, so she sent a quick message of apology and good luck. After a few seconds, the alpha replied back.

ALPHA UNIVERSE #9: BABY DADDYWhere stories live. Discover now