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Daehoon's favorite time is grocery shopping. Of course, you won't hear that from a one-year-old kid, but every time the family goes grocery shopping, the baby doesn't lose his smile.

Maybe it's because he's exposed to many colors, many people, and the smell of different groceries, yet Sulhee is just grateful because she won't handle a crying baby.

Anyway, it's the weekend, and Yushi came with them. Sulhee is the one who's picking out groceries, while the male is automatically responsible for looking after the babbling baby sitting on the cart while gripping a big, unopened lollipop.

"Noona, I want that," Yushi said, pointing to a big bag of chips.

Adorably, Daehoon also babbled and pointed at the chips, imitating what his uncle just said. Sulhee snorted, putting the chips on the cart.

Daehoon giggled and clapped, making Sulhee and Yushi also laugh.

"He so looked like him," Yushi said while pushing the cart.


"Him," Yushi puckered his lips on the baby, "and his da"

"Shush!" Sulhee glared

"Are we not going to talk about him until now?"

"Until forever."

"Ha-ha," Yushi mocked. "I heard you and mom talking about him a day before we came back here. You promised that Daehoon would meet his father someday."

"Yeah, but I never said when."

"Do you not have a plan or something?"

"No," Sulhee gulped. Or should I have one? We literally saw each other again. Good god, I also blocked him two times!

"Well, I don't have something to say about that," Yushi hummed. "But hey, I heard something."

Sulhee only hummed, focusing on the long list of groceries in hand.

"I heard he never got married."

Sulhee paused for a moment and faced the male. "When and where did you know that?"

"Just recently. You know, his family is a business tycoon. There is lots of news about them. I got curious about how he's doing now, and that's when I knew."

"Why would you get curious?"

"He was very nice to me, noona. He treats me well, and he was genuine." Yushi shrugged. "You both lasted for years, too."

"Yeah, years of clowning myself, thinking that he's the one," she quoted.

"Well, he became like it. Don't forget that you're mated."

"That doesn't erase the fact that he made me a clowning glory, taking advantage of my cluelessness and making me fall for his empty promises. And this mark," she pointed at the mating bite. "It is not consensual. This is unplanned and certainly an accident."

ALPHA UNIVERSE #9: BABY DADDYWhere stories live. Discover now