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Above photo is Catherine McClements.

Today is the day of the barbecue at Jane and Maura's home to welcome the new Sheriff, Catherine McClements. No one who worked for the Sheriff's department didn't want the position.  Nina and Barry Frost declined the position. They were happy with their positions in the Sheriff department. Everyone saw what it did to Jay Halstead and his marriage before he and Haylie went on vacation.

" Jane, Catherine should be here soon per the guards at the front gate.  Please behave and don't embarrass me or yourself. We need to make a good impression for Nina and Barry's sake. "
"Maura I won't.  Those two are stressed our as it is."
" We heard that!"
" Barry it's the truth." "Maura,it'sq Nina who is stressed not me. Nina is her assistant."

Catherine gets our of her vehicle and rings the doorbell. Jane answers it and welcomes her.

" Catherine thank you for coming and bringing several water melons.  Let me help you carry them. "

Catherine and I bring in the two ice chests filled with the watermelons. 

" Catherine would you like a beer? The meat is done now. My brothers and cousins are just cutting up the tri tip and ribs."
" Yes, I would like a beer. You and Maura have a lovely home.  Hi Maura I was just telling Jane you have a lovely home."  " We are happy with it and thank you.  Everyone is out in the back eating. Please get yourself a plate,napkin and silverware from this table here."

Catherine got the items and followed us to the backyard. We introduced to many people she hadn't met. She conversed with many while she ate.

"Everyone thank you for taking your time to converse with me.  I had a great time meeting you all and speaking with each one of you. I am looking forward to living and serving you and the community as your
sheriff. I have big shoes to fill. I  only met Jay and Hailey a few times when they went to Sydney for vacation and surrounding areas for business and fun trips. If I or my fellow colleagues can do anything to make you feel safe or safer, please don't hesitate to come by the department or contact us. Jane and Dr. Isles thank you for inviting me and hosting this dinner."

We walked Catherine out to her vehicle and said goodbye.

" Sis she seemed to be down to earth and wants to make a difference. I am glad Laura and I came here instead of going to the movies tonight."  " Yes Frankie, this was a good way if getting to know her a little more away from the department.  Next week she will get to see all the vintage vehicles we and the community have. She will actually see the community together to support New Beginnings and what it has to offer."

Laura was already waiting for my brother in her suv when I waved to her goodbye.

" Maura today was fun and exhausting. Tomorrow, let's sleep in."

Maura agreed with me. The back yard was cleaned up for now. We kept the tents, tables and chairs out. We would be hosting next weekend bbq for fourth of July. Maura and I made love in the shower before we went to bed.

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