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I text them to Frank and showed them to Kevin before I text them to our friends in Sydney.  People were happy for us and had positive responses. Several of our friends asked us how many bedrooms.  I replied two.  The gray room was for guests as well as the couches if people wanted to come to Sacramento to visit us. They told me they were sorry about Jimmy and his immediate family dying.  Some went to the services. They knew I nor Frank had a good relationship. They told me that the house caught fire after they died and all the photos plus everything else was gone. Kevin nor Frank didn't mentioned this to me. I was wondering why Kevin didn't have many photos of his brother and his family.  As for my photos of my loved ones who are deceased, were in photo albums except for a few at my work office and one or two here. We decided to prep food to barbecue for lunch.  We would make enough for dinner tonight and have enough for lunch tomorrow.

We were now grilling the chicken, tri tip, mushrooms with seasons, shrimp and corn on the cover.

" I sent them the photos.  They liked them. I told them we had two bedrooms.  Anyone of them are welcome to come and stay with us to sleep on the bed and the couches." " Babe, I got responses too. All of them were good. "

We started swimming for a bit and getting out periodically to turn over the meat so it would cook and not burn.

Frank place looked good too. He sent us one last photo of the hallways.

We finished swimming and enjoyed our pool.  Catherine took a shower first  and I made sure the trip tip didn't get burnt. I also mowed the lawn and did the yard work. Once Catherine was done,  I took a shower and she tends to the grill and starts a load of laundry and was folding the laundry when I came out cleaned and dressed. I kiss her and tell her I will watch the grill and do some laundry. I know she brought some work home with her and needs to get ot done before tomorrow.  As I putting the last of the laundry done, I go tell her lunch is done. I had cut up the tri tip and placed several pieces of them with corn on the cob in two small ware containers for our lunches tomorrow in lunch bags with her name on them both.  She sees her name and laughs.

" Babe, I figured they wouldn't eat yours but might if my name was on it ."

We set the table and served ourselves our lunch to ear.

At Jane and Maura's home.... We decided to go to the movies with my niece, Olivia and her husband,  Julian then go to TGIF's for lunch. We all enjoyed our time together. We hugged them bye. Jane drove us back with Dominique and her wife following us to make sure we got home. Our cousins Joey,  Raymund,  Kim and Nazanin were waiting for us in the pool swimming.

" Aye we figured we start bbq and swim while we waited on you two. Kim and Nazanin made the side dishes and a german chocolate cake is in the ice chest with two sic packs of corona beer ."

Maura and I looked at each other. We totally forgot the four of them were coming over for lunch. Neither of us said anything. We just went inside with the side dishes and German chocolate cake to place in the refrigerator or on the kitchen counter.

" Maura we didn't eat much. We can pull this off. The likely hood of them finding out we ate already is minimal." 

We went outside and sat getting a beer then opening to take sips. We told them we would make sure the steaks with mushrooms and asparagus wouldn't burn so they could enjoy their swimming.  Once the food was cooked, we all went inside to get ready to eat. They all took showers and lotioned up before we all sat down to eat lunch. Maura had a small piece of steak with asparagus and a glass of wine. I had asparagus,  nice size porter house steak with mushrooms,  macaroni salad with a beer. Maura looked at me like I was a pig. I wasn't a pig.  I was actually hungry.  I had sliders with fries and a beer only for lunch. Maura had a hamburger with the works, onion rings with a Heineken beer. We all enjoyed our lunch and spending time together.  We cleaned up and started playing billiards in teams of two. Kim and Joey,  Nazanin and Antonio,  Maura and I. Joey and Kim won most of the games. We all had a slice of German chocolate cake with milk for dessert as we watched a boxing match. Antonio had money on Nick Diaz winning. He was glad Nick won. He had several bets. One was with Sylvie Brett, Jason Quartermaine, and Kelly Severide. When he told us each bet was two hundred.  He would get the money and use it for parts to tune up his truck and Lexus.  Just the parts alone for the Lexus was expensive. We rinsed off the dishes. We placed all the dirty items in the dishwasher and Maura turned it on once she added soap. We all enjoyed our lunch and spending time together.  They left around four to their homes.

" Maura, I ate too much. Tums needed badly."
I laughed and teased my wife as she was chewing the berry tums.

" Jane,I don't understand how you could eat as much as you did.  Really!"

Jane was very gassy and let four farts go. She laughed as I walked away to go take a shower.

" Maur you knew that would happen."

Maura was showering as we talked.

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