29 Epilogue

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Lisa was up before us. She made us breakfast and left us a note thanking us for our generosity. In the note, she said to not clean up. She would do it when she got back.

"Kevin she must have left when we were in the shower. Do you want to go together?"
" Yes unless you think my old meanie boss will make me stay late?" " Very funny and just for that, we are going in your vehicle."

We ate then left for work.

I finished my test and only missed one. They had a cancelation so I stayed and would take the nine o'clock spot. I was used to driving how Americans drive. I just had to get used to parking differently since my BMW steering wheel is on the opposite side. I waited. I was called and went to take my test. The man noticed my accent and asked me where from Australia I was from. The small talk allowed me to be at ease. I only missed parallel parking. He asked me if I would get used to parking that way. I told him yes just practice. He had them take my photo. I asked the person behind the counter what was required to get my BMW registered here. I told him I would be moving from Australia with my wife. He told me what needed to be done. I thanked him and received my temporary license. On my way to Catherine's Mercedes, I called my wife to update her on everything and she updated me. I told her what we would need to do to register our vehicles. I ended my call started the Mercedes and left to go get lunch and visit Maura at her clinic.

"My name is Lisa Blakemore. I am hoping I can speak with Dr. Isles."
" Mam she is just walking down the steps on your right. "

I thanked the lady.

" Good afternoon Maura, I was wondering if you had time to grab a bite with me to eat. My treat." " Yes, I am meeting Jane at the cheesecake factory. We can walk there with our umbrellas."

We start walking and see Jane pulling in with her SUV.

" Hey, you two. Lisa, did you speak with your wife?" " Yes, lunch is on me. I am now a California driver. I need to get insurance on our vehicles. Helen is sending me all the paperwork I need to but smog still has to be done. We don't have that in our city. Helen is applying for the other positions you gave her. She has an interview set up with two already. Her colleagues will help her pack up. Jane thank you for saving us a lot of money. We decided on a nice dinner and a couple of massages for you two. I don't know Charice's business name. If you can give me the name, I appreciate it and will go get you two ladies gift certificates or gift cards. I am looking for a home for us that will fit our three vehicles in them. I am not familiar with the areas of what is good as of yet. Catherine suggested her area. "

We ordered our food and started sipping on our beverages. I get a call asking about our home. A couple who are doctors would like to lease it. They had already driven by it and liked the area. I told them I would send them a contract but would need an email address. The man says he will text it to me. I end my call.

" It seems everything is going well for you two gals." " Indeed, Jane. I just need to find us a home study to pass the realtor test and find a realtor who is willing to hire me. "

We ate our lunch. The man texted me his email. I would have him drop the check off to my wife at her work. Maura told me about a few realtors who would love to hire me. I had those names. I drove to Catherine's and parked her Mercedes back in the garage. I left my umbrella in the bathroom to dry as well as my coat. My purse I placed on the dining room table and began cleaning the kitchen. I prepped dinner and placed it in the BBQ to start grilling the tri-tip that Kevin asked me to grill. I then went and got my laptop and emailed the man the contract with all of the figures. I contacted our insurance agent and told her we were moving to Sacramento CA and would need our vehicle insurance to be transferred and that smog certificates would be needed. She said once that was done, she would insure them. She couldn't give me an estimate.

I was at Kono's office going through all the applications for police chief. I smiled when I saw Helen's and reviewed it. I was shocked at how much she has done since I moved here.

" Catherine I saw how she ran the station there. It sorta reminded me of Hawaii Five O. She has an impressive application compared to the others. I already separated hers with these five. What do you think?" " I add these two to that pile. The rest are not qualified in my opinion. They will be living with Kevin and me until they get a place of their own. She eventually wants Kevin and Antonio to go back to being detectives and not driving her if she gets the position. I still cannot believe Deandra didn't want it." " She thought about it but the time of work and paperwork. She doesn't care for it. Initially, she did.

We finished and I went back to the sheriff's office.

Kevin and Catherine were home. We ate dinner and I updated them on our progress. I told them I placed a bid on this house after speaking with Helen and she deposited their money.

The end

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