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The bomb squad arrives.  First responders have the street blocked off including reporters. First responders are leaving or working on the fire and injured people. All were told no cells and why. 

"OFFICER REGAN HERE IS YOUR GEAR."  " Thanks, I want everyone back five hundred feet as soon as possible.  I want all businesses to be evacuated now."

People are running and doing what I asked them. I am getting my gear on. I walk with my equipment on and get my mirror.  I get my wire cutters and lay on the ground.i crawl underneath the suv and see all the wires and time left. I have less than five minutes to disable it. I start looking with the mirror parts I cannot see without the mirror. I am sweating but nothing is knew. I always do. My job is very stressful. I see the wire I should cut with a minute and a half left. I place the mirror ona portion underneath.  It has a magnet and attached to the SUV.  I move it so I can see what I am cutting.  I snip two wires.  The time had five seconds left. I remove the bomb and hand it off to a colleague.

" Everyone we need to continue to search with the k-9's to make sure there are no more. This one won't explode.   I hear a sound. It's coming from Jane's hood.

" Jane sorry your hood needs to come off. " " Do what you need to do."

I ask for a saw to cut the hood off by the hinges.  Several officers remove it carefully.  I see the bomb by the starter. This one has thirteen minutes before it explodes. Another bomb tech is dealing with Deandra and Barry's trucks. I cannot worry about those. I need to focus on the one in front of me. The sheriff bomb tech is working on the other ones.
I remove the wire than cut the blue and white wire with 5 seconds left.

We were able to disable all the bomb. The paperwork and the scene will take a while.

" Officer Regan good job. I know this was your day off. "
" Police Commissioner  its okay as long as no one got hurt but property.  I will have my paperwork turned in an hour.  "

Kono walks away and talks to the fire department.  I see Catherine speaking with her bomb tech. He is smiling and wipes his brow. I am guessing he was sweaty too. It seems there were a total of seven bombs. Each one was set up differently. I finished my paperwork as promised.

" Police commissioner I sent you the report to your email. I am going to go to Catherine's house for dinner. We all did well even with the bowling. "

I nod yes. I walk to Frank,  Kevin and Catherine.  Catherine tells us to go ahead in her car. Kevin will drive us back. She will have someone drive her home.  Kevin gets her keys and we leave.

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