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I am tired for the day. We enjoyed our dinner. Kevin asked me why I showed up in my BMW instead of with Frank. I told him Frank had picked me up from getting my car tuned. It was ready at Olivia Fox import place.

" Frank I parked my car in the garage and it's secure. I am going to go for a swim in my underwear before I take a shower. It's been a long day. I wasn't expecting to try to disarm three bombs. "

I was removing my shoes and socks then my top, gun and pants. I dove in a little while after Frank. He said some of the results came back in from the bombs that exploded at the bowling alley. No fingerprints nothing to identify the bomber. Apparently, these people were good at not being caught.

" Frank, I wasn't planning on meeting Dr. Isles or Jane the way I did today. They are down to earth people." " Yes, they are very nice and giving of their time, lending their names to charities, and monies a lot throughout Sacramento and other places throughout out the world. Jane was a homicide detective in Boston. They helped me move in here. Maura had one of her employees Italy who use to live here fly me and my belongings free of charge. They and others were a humongous help."

We finished swimming in our underwear and ended up making love in the shallow end of the pool before we gathered everything and went inside to shower.

Maura and I finished cleaning everything up. All we wanted to do was take a nice bath then relax in bed before we fell asleep. Everyone was still inside and outside our property collecting evidence and keeping us safe.We didn't get much sleep that night nor the next day. On Saturday around one thirty is when we fell asleep for the rest of the night.

Kono,myself ,FBI director were meeting all day with people working on this case. THIS WAS OUR TOP PRIORITY UNTIL THIS CASE WAS SOLVED.

Frank and I were getting ready for bed. Even though it was our day off. Frank was homicide detective. Kono wanted as many officers not on active cases to help out. We brought photos of the evidence home for us to work on. We wanted to eat dinner at home. We started our day off at our jobs by eight in the morning. We both returned home close to three thirty. We only had breakfast no lunch. This was how busy we were. We finally fell asleep.

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