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I went to work Sunday morning to familiarize myself with my employee's files.  I wanted to know about the people who I was ultimately responsible for at the sheriff's department. 
( The above photo is my office.  I am a widower and I lost my family in a horrific automobile accident.  I was at work in the rain when it happened. I still recall my colleague Frank coming to tell me the bad news.  I lost my husband and grown children that afternoon. My partner, Frank, had the misfortune to be the one who broke the news to me. I recall being in the break room drinking my tea with Helen a good friend and colleague of mine when he told me.  Several months later, I applied for this position.  I didn't want to live in Sydney or Australia anymore. My friends were delighted for me to move forward with my life. They threw a big going away party at the marina for me. I still keep in touch with them. 

" This is Sheriff McClements,  please call Lieutenant Frost and have her come in with Captain Frost as as soon as possible. Yes, I am aware it's their day off. Please do as I say. Please have them bring Dr. Isles with them."

I hung up my landline. I contacted the coroner Dr. Brian Dietzen to see if there was any more information on the deceased. This lady was well-liked in the community and a friend of Dr. Isles. I wasn't sure how I was going to break the news to her and the others. I gave everyone my direction not to leak out the information or their job would be on the line. I just met her yesterday.   I went to sit in my office and reviewed some more employee files.

" Catherine, why were called here on Sunday morning?"
" Maura please you three sit down. I received some bad news this morning.  Captain Frost your team will take over the homicide.  I am afraid to tell you that  Christina your former CSI was strangled and left in the park."

The Frosts hugged Maura. This lady had been a good friend of hers since Boston when Dr. Isles was the forensics medical examiner of Boston, Massachusetts.  I felt bad because I knew how it felt to lose someone you cared about. I didn't know the Frosts nor the Rizzoli family knew Christina too. If I had known, I  would have asked them to come in too.

"PLEASE CALL ME MAURA. IS BRIAN HERE DOING THE AUTOPSY?"  " Yes, he, his wife and the others are downstairs trying to figure out with the evidence so far who did this.  Captain Frost tomorrow morning you will head up the team who did this. I am truly sorry for this loss. " " We knew her too since our days in Boston sheriff. Barry. Jane, Frankie, and I worked with her closely. She was a good and dedicated employee.  She will be missed."

The three of them left my office to go down to the basement.  I knew this was hard on them and Christina's team. I knew all hands on deck would be occurring with her friends, colleagues, and friends from the police department who would look for more evidence to find the killer and bring her death to justice.  I stayed for a few more hours. Friends from the Sacramento police department which included the chief of police, Kono   KIRSCH.

" Catherine good afternoon.  My officers are willing to help solve Christina's murder if it's okay with you. We will share any information we get with Barry. She was well-loved by many. "
"Kono, I am so sorry for your loss and the others. I didn't know her well but all I heard was kind words about her. I got to see firsthand the fine and dedicated work she did for the Sheriffs. Yes, please do."
" Catherine, how are you settling into your new position?" "It's coming slowly.  I came in today to read more personnel files on more of my employees.  I want to get to know them better than what I hear and see myself. I am sorry for not making it to the meeting last week."

"It's okay. When I took over this position, I was familiar with it because I sometimes would fill in for my cousin who was the chief. It still wasn't easy. Many people don't care about the long hours and what it does to your marriage and social life.  I am truly sorry for the loss of your family." " Thank you. I am on my way to pick up my 1942 Ford vintage car from Miguel right now. It's finally done with the new engine and tune-up. I called an Uber to pick me up and the driver is five minutes away."

We said goodbye and I locked my office. I  was walking outside when I saw Jane and Frankie crying.  I felt bad for them.

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