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" Aunties we should probably head back.  Julian saw the new report. The snow will be unbearable to drive back to the inn soon. Julian,Eric and Ryan are getting everyone so we can caravan back."  " Olivia we will meet you out front. We need to cash in our winnings. "

Olivia left and we went to the machines to begin cashing out our vouchers.  Jerry, Jill,Amy,  Emily, Samuel and Charice were doing the same.  Once we all were done, we all headed to the valet to get our vehicles.

" Whew, the four gas cans we bought at the store are filled and grocery shopping is done. We better all head back. I don't think we want to get stuck," says Kevin.

We are driving to Jane's cabin in the trucks with the heater,  defroster and windshield wipers on. It takes us about twenty-five minutes to get back and open the garages. Us gals go to the garages to get the snow mobiles out and place them in the rear under the balcony so they won't get snow on. The guys are bringing in a lot of fire wood to upstairs and downstairs.  We are bringing in the groceries.  Catherine and Kevin are parking tne trucks inside the garage and lock them after removing the gas cans to be with the snow mobiles. The snow is coming down thick.

" I made us hot cocoa with miniature marshmallows.  Lisa made us some roast beef sandwiches with chips for anyone who us hungry for dinner."  " Thank you ladies. I know I am hungry.  My stomach was growling when I was bringing the fire wood upstairs to the bedrooms. I started some of the fireplaces.  It should warm up soon."

We all sat down to enjoy the cocoa and our dinner.

" Jane we barely made it back. It was a good idea to park your truck in the hangar along with some of the others. This way we don't have to worry about them. "  " Maura people are going to the main dining restaurant to eat dinner.  I placed our winnings in the safe but kept five hundred. "

We and a few others made our way to the main restaurant. People were ordering their food.  Today's soup was barley and tomato soup. Jane and I ordered barley soup, with two beers. and turkey with cranberry sandwiches.  We decided to go to the bar afterwards to have a few drinks and play darts. When we went, Antonio and Malina were the winners for each gender. We all bought them a round.  We knew they would wake up with a hangover. Poor Caleb and Nazanin.  We finally called it a night. We all were beat from a long day of fun for us and many others.

The six of us played scrabble and watched a movie after we ate dinner. Helen and Lisa had made a delicious dinner while Catherine and Kevin made a apple pie from scratch. We were surprised we finished the apple pie with coffee before we called it a night and took showers or baths.

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