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"Jane we will have to keep your SUV for awhile.  We will take photos and have someone fix the hood  like brand new for you.  I will have a patrol give you two gals a ride home."
"Kono it's okay, Antonio

Jane hands Catherine removes the garage and house keys then hands them to Catherine.  Antonio with Nazanine and the two of us leave with Antonio in his truck.

" Maura you might want to call your security detail to have them come to keep you and Maura safe. "  " Antonio  no need. Frankie is going to provide us with people we need. Plus cars will be roaming the neighborhood.  I trust them."

We converse trying to figure out who might want Jane dead or maybe Maura. Catherine and Kono both asked them to come up with a list and email them. We say goodbye.  We introduce ourselves to the people we don't know. We ask four we know well plus the officers with the k-9 dogs to come inside so they can start searching our property for anymore possible bombs. Hector asks us to wait outside until it's all clear. While we wait, we think of people who would want us dead. We write them down on our cells in our notebook section of our cells. This takes us over an hour. We have water to drink while we are outside. We see more people showing up.  Catherine arrives with Mary again with the bomb squad vehicle and Mary with her vehicle.

" Jane we got a call that two more bombs  were located. Kono is on the way with her bomb squad."

We hear the dogs barking by the garages and the hot tub.   Their handlers are praising them and giving them treats.

"I am assigning deputies with two K-9's to your area until the people are caught.  I reviewed on the way over here while Blazzy was driving me here. You two have lengthy lists from all over the world." " Kono told me more about you two ladies. The FBI is looking into many of the names for us. They have more people and the software to do so."

Kono's bomb tech couldn't disarm it so he placed it in the gadget and closes it. It explodes.  Blazzy does the same.

IN TIME." " Ladies Catherine is right.  All of them were mostly likely done by different people people. All of the wiring, types of explosives and timers were all different. This will take a while for allow the people working on this case. It's nice to finally meet you both. I wish it was under different circumstances. "
"Blazzy, I was looking forward in meeting you today. Our cousin, Antonio, brags a lot about your athleticism and your bomb expertise."  " Thank you. I hope your neighbors won't treat you different now. Good evening ladies."

We tell Kono,  Catherine,  the male bomb tech from the sheriff's department and Mary by. The rest of the people will be here for a while.

" Jane I am going to order Pizza z wings,  salads, sodas and water for us all for dinner. It's going to be a long night. "

My wife gets her cell out and calls in a very lengthy order.  It should arrive in a little over an hour.  She said she ordered enough for 45 people. I ask the guard at the front gate to let the delivery person from Sienna's pizzeria in.
Maura asks one of the deputies and police officers to have them get 5 pieces and others for 23 people outside the gate which includes the guard at the gate. The rest will be delivered to us. Maura's security people, Julianne's and our friends call us to make sure we are okay. Julianne sends Phillip to stay with us. Samuel says he and Emily are staying over. Everyone is worried about us. Maura orders four more pizzas etcetera.

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