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Christmas arrives quicker than we thought it would be. I met Helen at the airport in the morning.  She was all dressed warm and I chuckled.  It was cold but not that cold. She said she rather be safe than sorry.   She removed her jacket, gloves and hat. She felt better. She was excited to be here and meet people we worked with as well as see the community we fell in love with. We were driving. I drove by my office so she could see it and meet several people. Kevin and Mary were out in the field. We stayed for about 30 minutes than left to the police station.  Frank said he would take us out to lunch with his department.  When we arrived,   Frank and I introduced them to Kono,  Deandra and Kevin Atwater, Antonio and  a few others. Frank gave us a tour of the building
He said we would meet his team. We left to Sienna's Calle Filipino restaurant.

"Catherine I bought a black tuxedo to wear. Our friends are jealous that I came before them. They loved the Christmas cards you four sent them with photos. "  " We took those photos when it was cooler. As you can see the guys have aged. Kevin dyes his hair. Frank gave up. Us gals dye our hair."
" Frank still is Frank gray hair or not."

Nia was there with her husband,  Jackson, Sienna was there with her wife eating lunch. We introduced them and they spoke a little bit before we joined Frank's team. Helen asked if a lot of former law enforcement had different careers. Because Nia was a former Texas Ranger.  I told her yes. I told we would discuss that on the way back to the house.  I had taken time off while Helen was here. I was going to make her time here enjoyable. We all sat down, ordered our lunch and beverages. The conversations went well. They all liked Helen. I was going to pay for our bill when the waiter told me Sienna picked up the tab. She just asked for the waiter to be tipped nicely. Of course,  we all left nice tips.

" Catherine I asked the Cook to make some food for you to take home for 8 people for dinner tonight. It's on the house.  Helen it was nice meeting you. I am looking forward to getting to know you better. "

We thanked them. We left. We said goodbye to Frank and his team.

We drove around in the good and bad areas. You could see the Christmas decorations.   Helen could see we had a bad homeless population but  she liked how so many places even in the cold and raining weather offered free food,  showers and laundry as well as medical for the homeless there.  I told her who was former officers. She liked how some made changes in careers. We finally made it back to the house.  I parked my truck in the garage and we took everything inside.

" This is your bedroom while you stay here. Kevin said you can stay with him and Mary too of you like.  After Christmas,  we will be going to Lake Tahoe. We rented a cabin. Many of the people you have met and will meet will be there. This is when you will need your warm clothes.  You don't have to worry about any expenses. Just souvenirs. The four of us have taken care of it plus we were comped some."
" This is a lovely home. I see you have photos of the team out. I better go unpack. I know Frank ,Kevin and Mary will be here soon. I am excited to see who wins the decorating contest."
" The decision has been made already. We will find out at the Drs. Jill and Thomas Rizzoli.  Tommy is Jane's younger brother.  "

We talked as she unpacked. She laughed when she found out Tommy and one of his partners in his dentist business owned a candy company.  I thought the same but the candy was delicious and sold well. Tommy had left a basket for Helen. I placed it in her room. She was shocked that she had bought some in Australia and the candy machine at work had them. I found it amusing.  She unpacked and we went to warm up the food. The three of them showed up. It was now pouring outside hard with lightening and thunder. The power went off briefly but the generator kicked in.  We enjoyed catching up and our meal. Kevin and Mary left a little after eight.  We cleaned the kitchen while Frank took a shower to go to bed. He had to work tomorrow.  Helen and I stayed up close to midnight drinking and eating some chocolate that we made it to smores.

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