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Several weeks had passed.  Maura, Jane,  security and their loved ones were finally back from Italy.  They were able to get Italy employees  jobs and the vacant property sold. Today was the jury trials for all the people who were hired to be the bombers. The suppliers trials were over. Several of them received different sentences depending on what they did. Mimi decided one trial would be done for all to save the tax payers money.  We arrived early and media presence was there early setting up. Deputies and police barricaded the  path so we could drive through with minimal problems.  We all exited our vehicles and locked them. We could see the Paddy wagon bringing the criminals as we all saw them. Some had smiles on their faces and others made no eye contact.  They were dressed to impress which none of us were. The jury had already been picked. One guy yelled at Maura telling her more people should of died. Antonio and Jane told me to ignore him which I did. I wasn't expecting to walk in with them even with a distance. Catherine and Nina later apologized for the mix up and would look into to make sure it didn't happen again.
The trial went on for several weeks. It was tiresome and a lot of overtime for hourly employees. Everyone looked tired except for the bombers.  The jurors found each one guilty. Jane's ex wife was the judge assigned to the case. Mimi had them draw straws. None of them wanted it. Mimi told them it would be too expensive for a visiting judge.  We all disagreed with her decision.  We knew several retired judges willing to be the judge. We all felt Mimi was making a statement.  It was election year again. They received life in prison. The media was brutal to Maura when they asked her questions. She only answered a few of them on my and Avery's nods of approval. We finally left with media trying to follow us but was blocked by law enforcement.  We finally made it home.

" Maura now since it's over with. I want us to go change and order food in. You choose the place. I will ask Samuel to go pick it up, some for him and Charice.  He will leave ours and finally go home to Charice. " 

I nodded and told her I felt like Chinese and what I wanted. I went to change while Jane told Samuel.
Jane came and took a shower and placed shorts, flip flops and a sports bra on. I was barefooted,  shorts , sports bra on after my shower.

At Catherine's home..
It started raining. We were changed into sweats. Kevin and Mary were here with Southern Fixins' food from the restaurant. Catherine paid and ordered it. Frank and Mary picked it up.
Kevin opened two bottles of wine and poured them.  Mary and him bought them. We all were sitting down in the dining area to eat and drink wine.

" I just want to thank you three for all the hours you put in to help solve this case.  It's been several months to solve it. It is sad people had to die because of Howard Cline.  This was nothing against Maura but her deceased wife which Maura inherited her properties.  I personally didn't know the lady but heard a lot of good things and some not. As we know,  no one is perfect.  CHEERS!"

We all clicked our wine glasses and took a sip from them.  We placed them down and started enjoying our meal and conversations that had nothing to do with work.

" Catherine and I heard from Helen. She will be here in a few days for two weeks  to spend it with us for Christmas and New Years.  We were thinking of having a party here hosting the New Years eve party at Maura's winery in Lodi.  The date is opened.  Kevin and I reserved it.  This will give Helen a chance to see all who we now know and get to see why we love it here.  We just have to send texts out to everyone.  We figured 656 people which includes us all and Helen.  The winery will cater it. Rachel's floral business will do the balloons and flower arrangements.  Would you two be interested in helping pay for a portion of it? Not a lot but some." 

Mary looks at Kevin.  They both agreed to help out with a total of five grand between the two of them.  We figured that would pay for the liquor and some of items from Rachel's business.  Catherine and Frank
got on their cells. The response was good. People started offering to help financially.  The four of us would only now need to pay one thousand each. None of us were expecting the responses we were receiving.   Nia said she and Adrienne would handle the venue and have alcohol free liquor there provided by the winery and Tyler's brewery at a reduced prices.  We were glad no one wanted to drink alcohol even though it cost more. We wouldn't be held liable if any accidents occurred.

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