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We were finally back at the cabin after filling up the snowmobiles..it was snowing hard. We decided to stay inside for two days and just enjoy one another's company.  Jane tole is not to come for two days because it would be too dangerous which we agreed. We all told her through Frank we would meet them for breakfast on our last day before we headed back to Sacramento and rested a bit before driving to Lodi for a New Year's Eve party.

" Kevin and I are going to take down all the Decorations and put them away in the attic. Please feel free to make lunch. We have steaks seasoned already.  Kevin bought them that way. Please use whatever else you two want."  " Catherine and Kevin we have this for you. Lids brought this from Sydney for you two. We gave Mary and Frank's theirs before we left the inn."

Kevin and I loved it.  We knew where we would place it once we were done. They started making lunch and they helped us too. Lisa said she now understands why the four of us moved and loved it here. The people are nice and very giving to people they barely met or don't know at all. We answered more of their questions on what we learned over time.  We enjoyed our lunch and we all chipped in with the cleaning.  We now were getting ready for the New Year's Eve party at the Everlasting Winery in Lodi.  Mary and Frank arrived in his sports car. The weather wouldn't rain for two more days but the fog would be bad tonight.  Mary told us she booked three rooms for us at the Wine and Roses in Lodi. It was her treat.   We started packing an overnight bag to take with us in Catherine's Mercedes.  Kevin placed all six garment bags in the trunk of my Mercedes. We left and I drove us. The drive was nice except for a few accidents. We arrived and parked.  When we got out, employees had golf carts waiting for us to get in. Two per cart.   We were amazed at the property.  The driver told us a little history about the winery in Lodi.

" Wow, you all outdid yourselves."
"Thank you, Helen.  It started as my and Kevin's idea.  We asked Mary and Frank to help then everyone else started volunteering to provide and pay for tonight.  They haven't had a New Year's Eve party with this many people in a while.  There will be no alcohol served. We have alcohol-free beer, wine, and champagne.  We didn't want the liability. "

People were eating,  drinking conversing, and listening to the DJ until nine. At nine, people started dancing.  We all had a great time. A little after one is when the six of them left for the wines and roses.  It took us fifteen minutes to get there to park.  If it hadn't been foggy, it would have taken us like four minutes.  The place was well lit up with LED lights and you could tell in the parking area people had a fun time.

" Hey, we didn't think you four would be here. " " Catherine it was too foggy to drive.  Jane,  Charice. Samuel and I got the last two rooms here. Others found places elsewhere or are driving back. The event was nice. We are off to our rooms now and will be gone by ten."

We said goodbye as we checked in to get our room keys.  Mary was able to get us rooms next to one another.

" Lisa what would you think about moving to Sacramento.  Kono the police chief said I would be perfect.  Her and her husband are getting ready to leave in two months to New York to be near hee last two living relatives which we met today. They would be living in a penthouse owned by her nephew." " Helen, what about Diandra or any of the other officers?" " She has asked them and no one wants the position. There are a few others from different states interested.  She said she likes how I run Sydney. I met her when her husband and she came to buy antiques. We were at a restaurant for lunch one day. "  " If you want to sure. I will have to study for a California realtor to get my license.  Kevin and Catherine said we could stay with them if we wanted to save money and buy a home here. " " Helen your colleagues love the place they rent from you. I can be the real estate agent on your home. You're saving them money as it is. "
"Let's go for it."

We kissed and fell asleep.

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