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8I drove up to my home and opened the third garage to back in my 1942 Ford vintage car. I got it as a rusted vehicle when I was in Sydney and had it brought here along with my truck and Mercedes. I normally drive black-painted vehicles but my kids told me I had enough black vehicles.  I let them choose the colors of this vehicle's exterior and the upholstery interior.  I still had my husband's truck that I wouldn't part with.  I knew I would use it to haul stuff in it. I had hauled some of my new furniture into my new home when I purchased my home. I loved to play golf a lot and do anything in the ocean, lake, or waterways.  I sold my boat in Sydney because it had a lot of miles on it. I figured I would buy one here or rent one.
This was a new gated community in Sacramento in a well-guarded area. My neighbors were friendly and accepted me with open arms especially after they found out I was the new Sheriff in town and Kevin Holloway was a former homicide officer in Syndey. Kevin just got home this morning from training.  On my way home from Miguel's,  I stopped at Safeway to buy my groceries. I backed into my car and got out. I locked my garage and brought in all my groceries with their help.  I loved to cook. My former partner,  Frank, and Kevin's older brother an  in Sydney.  When Kevin arrived last night from the airport,  I loaned them my truck to drive around town to familiarize themselves with. I was seeing Kevin off and on fora while. He was Frank's and Jimmy's younger brother. Frankie finally accepted Kevin and my relationship. Kevin was applying for a job out here too. He was living with me. He drove a dodger charger. His only baby.

" Aye babe, I am beat.  They had me running with my gear in this heat.  Frank made us lunch.  We will put this all away and let you relax.  We will serve you."
"Thanks, I had to tell Maura and the other  that one of their good friends was killed.  I barely knew her, but she was a good one." " Yeah, Kevin, and I was listening to the radio before you came home. We heard about it. I expect you to help them solve this case. Everyone who was friends were her including the police department here will be helping solve her murder.  Kono spoke with me and asked me if her people could help. She will make sure to keep  Captain Frost in the loop. I didn't know she was a friend of theirs."

They finished unpacking and I opened up three bottles beers for us to drink with our lunch.

" Catherine, I was thinking of moving up here so I could be closer to you and brother. Jimmy doesn't want anything to do with either nor his family any more or mainly me, since I had him arrested."
" Frank, he still is holding onto that grudge from a long time ago which is sad?  Have you figured out where you want to apply?"  "Yes, with the police department here. I have an interview on Monday morning . I was hoping I could live here until I found a place. I  will help out with the bills. Kevin's last day of training was today. I am looking forward to meeting other people ." "Sure we have more than enough room except for garage space."

We finished eating and the guys cleaned up. We decided to go downtown and explore old Sacramento.  It finally had a breeze.  We took off in my truck.

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