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" Whew I thought I was going to miss you. The traffic was backed up. I had to ask the Uber driver to go a different way to get to your house Catherine." " Babe, I am glad you made it. I know you had to stay a few extra days to finish that deal. I hope you made a huge commission on it."  " Yes, Helen I did.  Kevin thank you for placing my luggage in  the truck."  " First give me a hug and second your welcome. I still cannot believe you two got back together like we did."
" Frank yes we did except I am now Mrs. Lisa Blakemore."
"Hey now Catherine and I have done the marriage thing. We enjoy being domestic partners.  Let's go."

We all were in the truck. The luggage was in the back of the truck. Lisa asked us how the party went. We told her it was lovely and fun. We conversed and caught up with Lisa as we drove to Lake Tahoe.

"Maura we are now unpacked.  June and Avery should be out soon. We are suppose to meet Helen's wife. Helen seems to be a nice person. They are ready so let go to the casino."

June was driving us in her suv.  We took hers since Jane's suv was in the shop because a car part was recalled.  Fox car repair didn't finish her suv in time before they closed for the holidays.
The snow was on the side of the road.  Some of it was melting but seeing the snow was always a site to see.

" Babe I unpacked the two photos and frames of us that you wanted me to bring for them."  " Thank you. I hope they will love it. " " They will just as much as we love theirs that they sent us and have up in our new home. Have you told them we had a new home built and is leasing yours out to some of your colleagues to live in?"  " No not yet. I know they will be happy."

We were in the ladies restroom and exited. Catherine,  Frank and Kevin are waiting for us so we can go gamble before we have to go grocery shopping for food. We brought toilet paper and other items we need while we are here for a few days.

" What are you two ladies talking about?"  " Frank you know I loved your home especially after you modernized it. You gave me a good deal on it when I had sold mine before I became the chief inspector. "  " Yeah,  I do you saved me the hassle of finding a realtor and all."  " I am now leasing it out to some of my colleagues you all know. Lisa and I after we got back together and got married  which you three didn't show up.
Yes, I know you three couldn't make it with the bombs and all. We had a house built for us in Sydney. "
" Its okay Helen.  It's your property to do what you want with it.  The four of us I can say are glad that our former colleagues have a house to live instead of apartments." " Whew, I am glad. "

We are gambling at black Jack while we have this conversation. 

" The guys, Mary and I wish we could of came but we know you loved our wedding gifts we sent you."  " Lisa and I did. "

Lisa shows them a photo of our new home.  ( It's in the chapter photo above).

They asked us questions about it and we answered them.They loved the front of the home and liked the area it was built in. We gambled for about an  hour more.. Lisa and Kevin were the only ones who won decent winnings. Frank loss and Catherine and Mary left with a nice amount of money but not like Lisa and I. We saw Maura and Jane.  Catherine introduced my wife to them. We all had a beverage before we left to go grocery shopping.  Maura suggested we buy extra because we are expecting a lot of snow and power outages for a few days. She said Jane's cabin we rented gas a back of generator and extra fire woos in the one garage that should had given to Catherine. We thanked Maura for the suggestion.  Jane informed us she had several snow mobiles in the same garage but to go buy gas for them.  They did have some gas in them.  We thanked them and left to.

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