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I am tired for the day. We enjoyed our dinner. Kevin asked me why I showed up in my BMW instead of with Frank. I told him Frank had picked me up from getting my car tuned. It was ready at Olivia Fox import place.

" Frank I parked my car in the garage and it's secure.  I am going to go for a swim in my underwear before I take a shower.  It's been a long day. I wasn't expecting to try to disarm three bombs. "

We were done and ate our dinner after we took shower then cleaned up. Frank turned the dishwasher on and put the chemicals in the pool. I finished folding and putting our laundry away.
We kissed one another good-night and fell asleep.

The following morning, I woke up before Jane and made us breakfast around nine ish.  I was making coffee when Jane places her arms around my waist.

" Morning beautiful. I woke up and the bed sheet was cold.  I smelled food so I knew  where you were at."  " I  woke up not too early but had a hard time staying asleep.  Jane I have no idea who wants to see us, you or I dead. I kept racking my brain in my sleep and awake."
"I know me too. We will have to wait and see. Kono called and said they are checking our buildings to make sure our employees won't be killed or hurt."  " I called the  authorities in Lodi, Lake Tahoe, Italy and other countries where I have properties and told them what occurred here yesterday.  They are having bomb squad inspecting my properties.  You should do that with  yours too."

I finished with the coffee.  We served our breakfast and poured our coffee with Phillip sitting with us. Jane made calls to have her other properties looked at. We finished breakfast.

" I will clean up while you to go do something to relax as much as you ladies can be."

We both thanked Phillip.  Our family members arrived to see how we were doing. None of us heard if any progress has been made. Antonio arrives with Nazanin while we were making lunch.

" You guys the sheriff department have arrested 3 of the seven people. The police  and FBI arrested one each.  We all are still looking for the last one. I have been assigned to stay with you until the last person is found,  arrested or is dead.  Nazanin will stay with Rachel and Adrienne. Rachel has taken time off from her floral shop until the person is caught or is found dead. "

Nazanin,  Laura,  Jill and Ryan did the cleaning.  The rest of us put our heads together to see if we could figure out who the last person was. Everyone left around three thirty. We still couldn't figure it out nor has any of the law agencies and others working on our behalf.  Jane and I both knew this was going to cost us money for the authorities looking into our properties not located in Sacramento.

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