Chapter 2: Unfriendly Welcome

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"I think I know who I am now."

"You remember? So what's your name?" Rally asked. There was a short silence and then the stranger's mouth opened.

"My name... is (Y/N) (L/N)."

"So your name is (Y/N) (L/N) huh? Well... it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)!" Rally said and held out his hand. "Yeah, same here." (Y/N) took the boy's hand and shook it. "That was strange. I was able to remember my name after I dueled you."

"Then maybe that's it! I bet you'll remember other things if you dueled some more."

"Maybe..." (Y/N) looked at his duel disk for a moment, and then looked around the street and then back at Rally. "Are there any other duelist around here?"

"Well, basically us people in the Satellite aren't allowed to play Duel Monsters. My friends and I hang out in a place not too far from here." Rally pointed to the street. "If you go south, you'll find a subway. That's where we always meet up. I wish I could show you, but I got something to do now."

"Are you sure they'll let me in? I am a stranger to them." (Y/N) pointed out.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll let you in. They're all good guys. You just need to say my name."

"That's all I have to do huh? Alright."

"Great! I'll be back soon so I'll be able to introduce you to everyone then. In the meantime, maybe you should duel a little while you're waiting. Well, OK then! See ya later!"

"Okay, see ya." (Y/N) waved goodbye as Rally ran off.

Right after Rally left, (Y/N) went walking to the subway station that Rally mentioned. The path was in bad shape. The sidewalks were old and cracked and the light posts were dirty and rusted. The buildings around him have broken windows and unstable debris. They look like they could collapse any minute. While (Y/N) was walking, he was thinking about the things that were happening up to now.

'Man, this is getting weird. First, for some odd reason I end up here in Satellite with no memory of who I am and then I'm starting to remember things piece by piece. Just what is up with me?' He thought to himself.

At last, he made it to the subway entrance. He was just about to enter when a man walked out. He was tall and wears a blue bandanna and a white shirt over a green sweater. "Hm, I've never seen you before. What do you want with us? Only our friends are allowed to enter here."

"Uh... Rally Dawson said I could come here." (Y/N) said. "He can't come with me because he said he had something to do. But he said he'll introduce me to everyone later." He explained.

"Rally, huh? Well, I don't know you, so no matter what you say, I'm not buying it."

"But..." (Y/N) began, but was cut off from talking.

"If you understand what I'm saying, then you better leave. No matter what, you can't come in."

"...alright." (Y/N) sighed. He turns around and begins to walk away. 'Well that's great, I can't go in.' He thought.

"Hey, wait a second," the man said. (Y/N) stopped and turned around. "Is that a duel disk you're carrying?"

(Y/N) looks at his silver duel disk and looks back at him. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, I'm kind of a duelist myself. It's just getting boring around here anyway... so why don't we have a duel then?" the man takes out his disk. It's the same as Rally's. "I'll make a deal with ya. If you beat me, then I'll believe your story."

"Really? Okay, let's go!" Both players walked out to the middle of the street and both activated their duel disks and drew five cards each.


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