Chapter 22: Beyond the Rose

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(Y/N) darted down a hallway toward a couple unsuspecting security guards, in front of a pair of doors leading to the tower.

"Hey, hold it!"

"The Director's not expecting you!"

"Sorry, but he's got some explaining to do!" (Y/N) shouted. He dodged under the first guard's punch, back up a bit and then did a super kick on the first guard's chin (*1)! Then he knocked out the second guard by planting his right leg, spun around fast using his left leg as momentum, and jumped kicked him in the head using the right leg he planted(*2). With both guards knocked out cold, (Y/N) pushed open the double doors, and ran into the tower. A couple minutes later, he got to the top and there was Goodwin, Jack, and Lazar.

"Goodwin!" (Y/N) said.

"Ah, (Y/N). What brings you here?" Goodwin greeted.

"Don't give me that shit! How come I've never heard of this? Is it really true that you destroyed Greiger's village when you tried to summon the Crimson Dragon? Is it? I'm not going anywhere until you tell me the truth!" (Y/N) shouted angrily. Goodwin sighed.

"Jack, Lazar, can you please give us a moment?" Goodwin asked. Jack then did as he was told and left the area and went to the hallway to give the two some privacy.

"So?" (Y/N) asked.

"This was supposed to be a secret, but I haven't lied to you once and I won't do it now. Yes, it's true. I destroyed Greiger's village in an attempt to summon the Crimson Dragon." (Y/N)'s fear were true, he reallydid destroy Greiger's village.

"Why Goodwin? Why did you do that when you consciously know that there were going to be innocent people caught in it? You lied to him; you used and manipulated him, took away his home and his family! You played on Greiger's feelings! How could you!" Unfortunately, Goodwin couldn't give (Y/N) an answer to that one.

"And another thing, why did you just let that Koda guy insult Akiza all he wanted? She didn't deserve all that abuse! She's no different than any other person!"

"It was necessary so that we can confirm that she is a Signer."

"But still! She didn't deserve that! Also, you gave me your word that you wouldn't harm my friends from the Satellite! Where are they?"

"What are you talking about? I told you that they are safe and sound."

"Don't play dumb with me Goodwin! A contact of mine went to Satellite to check on them and see if they're alright. But they're not there! They could be anywhere by now! You gave your word Goodwin!"

"And I always keep my word. Don't you trust me?"

"I don't even know if I can trust you. I'm even starting to have doubts about this plan of yours of gathering the real Signers together, should the duels against the clones fail to resurrect the Crimson Dragon. Tell me Goodwin! Am I being used just like Greiger? Be honest with me." Goodwin's eyes widened when he asked that, but his eyes stayed calm.

"You know I would never do that to you. If your parents were standing here now, they probably wouldn't forgive me for that, now would they?"

"No, they probably wouldn't..." (Y/N) muttered almost instantly calming down.

"Plus, you chose to help me revive the Crimson Dragon and you chose to help Yusei and his friends. Those were your own decisions."

"But after everything that happened just now... is it even worth it?"

Goodwin couldn't give an answer to that question.

"I just... I just don't want any more lives lost..." (Y/N) said clenching fist turning his face away. Memories of his parent's death flashed through his mind. Goodwin puts on hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

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