Chapter 4: Sector Security on Pursuit

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A few days have passed since that incident and (Y/N) thought it best not to tell Rally and others. If he told them, they might think that Yusei is in trouble.

(Y/N), Blitz, Tank, and Nervin were working on the runner. They already installed the minor stuff like the headlights and they were painting it too. The color of the Omega Frame with the pair of wings was now silver with gold edges. And to add the finish, (Y/N) painted a gold circle on both sides on the back of the runner and another on the front by spray painting it and painted the Haos symbol the gold circles white using a small-medium sized paintbrush. (Y/N) then put his silver blade duel disk on the runner too.

"Whew!" (Y/N) whistled. "All done!" He said and took a few steps back to look at it.

"It looks great!" Tank said.

"Yeah, not bad." Blitz added.

Just then Rally comes running in the station. "(Y/N)! You down here?" Rally asked.

"Over here." (Y/N) said. Rally then ran up to him near his duel runner. "What's up?" He asked.

"I got something for ya. I know you're gonna like it." Rally said as he was getting something out from inside his jacket and then he showed it. The group was shocked to see what Rally brought.

"It's a CPU! And it's a KPC-000!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"Isn't that like the best CPU out of all of the other ones?" Tank asked.

"Yeah it is." (Y/N) said.

"Where did you get this?" Blitz asked.

"You didn't steal it did ya?" Nervin added.

"Steal?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yeah, one day he stole an acceleration chip for Yusei for his duel runner. If you weren't for him, Sector Security would've caught all of us." Nervin explained.

"Geez, you didn't need to bring that up. But I didn't steal anything. It was just lying on the ground. Maybe someone dropped it." Rally said.

"You know how things are here Rally: no one leaves nothing just lying around." Tank said.

"Relax guys. Let me see it Rally." (Y/N) said. Rally gave the CPU to him and (Y/N) started to install it. After a few keystrokes on the laptop while installing it, the duel runner came to life. "Alright, it works!"

"I knew you would like it! Let's see how powerful it is." Rally said excited. (Y/N) nodded and gave one twist on the hand pedal and a deafening loud roar echoed throughout the subway station.

"Now that's what I call power." (Y/N) said impressed.

"Oh almost forgot, I also got you this." Rally said as he reached in his jacket and handed him a device. "It's a wrist dealer, you can use that to hold cards while turbo dueling." Rally said.

"Tell me you didn't steal that too, did ya?" Nervin complained.

"Stop it, Nervin. Thanks Rally, you're a great help." (Y/N) thanked.

"No prob."

"Now that the runner's done, know a place where I can test it?" (Y/N) asked.

"There's an old highway that's just south of here. You can test it there." Rally said.

"Got it." (Y/N) said. And with that, he got his helmet that he also made for the past few days and went to his duel runner. His helmet was made from junk parts he and the others found in Satellite. The style was similar Jack Atlas's helmet, but different and the tip was shorter and it was also silver. He puts on his helmet and started the engine. He then sped off out of the station and into the streets.
He was driving for a few more minutes until he got to the entrance of the Old Highway. Some of the road was cracked and it even has a few potholes due to urban decay. But (Y/N) was up for it.

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