Chapter 34: Spirited Away

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Last chapter, we left off where (Y/N) defeated his parents with much regret. He didn't want to do it, but he had to. It was the only way. He soon got over his sadness because he still had business to finish and to follow his parent's last wish. So, the Haos duelist went inside the backup generator. It was huge on the inside seeing that there was obviously a huge generator full of Enerdy stored just in case one of the towers failed. In front of it, was a small stone-like pedestal; (Y/N) went up to it and there was a carving of the Dog Nazca Line, but in the middle was a space, for a card.

'This must be where you put the card in to seal it.' (Y/N) thought. He took Leonidas's card out and placed it on the space. The pedestal glowed and then the place starts to shake. "Oh crap, better get out of here." (Y/N) said as he got Leonidas's card off the pedestal and dashed out of there. As soon as he got out, he could see the backup generator sinking into the ground until it can't be seen anymore.

"Well, I guess that's that." (Y/N) said and then, far away from where he's at, a light shone there, and the light faded. (Y/N) couldn't see well what it was, but it actually turned out to be... people. "Looks like those are the people that were captured by the Earthbound Immortal. That means... I was right! If you beat the Earthbound Immortal, the people captured by them will come back! Yes! Martha and Rally will definitely come back! I know it!" (Y/N) said relieved and happy to see that. "But first, I gotta help my friends. I need to get to Luna and the others." (Y/N) went up to his runner, sets his duel disk on it, puts his deck in his holster attached to his belt and was about to put on his helmet and start his engine, until he saw a tower of light rising up to the sky for a few seconds and then it was gone.

"Huh? What's that? That light came from Leo and Luna's car. What happened?" (Y/N) asked himself and to make things even weirder, his Mark of the Crimson Dragon body glowed for some strange reason. "And what's up with this? My Mark's glowing the minute I defeated mom and dad. Is someone battling a Dark Signer now?" (Y/N) asked himself as looked up in the sky, but saw no geoglyph. "That's weird, there's no geoglyph showing in the sky, so then why... What the-" (Y/N) said amazed as his Mark glowed even brighter and brighter until he was engulfed by it.


Leo and Trudge noticed that Luna was nowhere to be found because of that light that shined from the car. There was a chance that she must've fell out of the car, so the two decided look for her. It was taking a while too looking for her. I mean, spotting a girl with sea green hair with two pig tails isn't hard to find right?

"Luna! Luna! Where are you? Can you hear me?" Leo called as he kept looking for his sister. He kept running around for a while until he came across a tower. It was one of the control towers for the Old Enerdy Reactor and there was a picture of the Monkey on it too. He walked up to it. "That tower, it must be..." Leo began.

"So, the Signer decided to show up." A voice called and then the purple flames ignited from the ground surrounding Leo and the tower. The flames continued on until it took shape in the form of the Monkey.

"If this is the Monkey Geoglyph, then..." Leo began before he heard a footstep; he turned to see a man in dark robes with yellow markings. It was Devack.

"Who are you? You're no Signer." Devack said.

"So what if I'm not? I'm here to protect Luna!" Leo shouted. Trudge ran up a slab of rock and noticed Leo and Devack down below.

"Leo!" Trudge called.

"How unexpected. To come here in this flame, knowing you're not a Signer. You want to die?"

"No, but this is a chance to prove myself! Let's settle this with a duel! If I defeat you, then Luna won't have to deal with you!" Leo then activated his duel disk and his deck was shuffled.

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