Chapter 37: Defying Destiny's Will

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In the Dark Signers' lair, Roman sat at the table and watched as another candle went out.

"So Yusei has defeated Kalin," he murmured, "How disappointing..." He looked down at his right arm, which was bruised. "I can't be stopped here." He then looked at a photograph depicting himself, Rex and Yusei's father, Dr. Fudo. "Now for the seventeen year-old account between Yusei and I to be settled..."

Yusei placed Stardust Dragon's card into the control unit slot, before withdrawing it and sprinting from the tower before it slid back into the bowels of the earth. As he emerged, Crow called out to him from a nearby bridge, and the Signer ran to join him and the others.

"Look, Yusei!" the Haos said, gesturing out over Satellite, where people had reappeared. "The people sacrificed to Ccapac Apu must have come back when you destroyed it!"

"That's right!" Leo exclaimed. "So if we beat the Immortals, everyone'll be saved!"

"Good job, Yusei," Crow congratulated.

"It's too early to celebrate," Yusei replied. "In order to close the Doors of the Underworld, two more towers have to be sealed, and there are still three Dark Signers out there." As he spoke, Trudge felt something bite him and the Spider Mark lit on his arm. Yusei noticed this, and backed away. "Get back, guys!"

"Yusei," Trudge said in a dark voice. "I see you have defeated Kalin."

"Roman," Yusei spat. "I should've known!"

"I just hope you are ready for your next challenge," the Dark Signer boasted through the officer, "Come to the site of the old Enerdy Reactor to settle our score." The spider controlling Trudge shattered into dust and the Spider Mark faded away.

It's gotta be a trap, Yusei," Crow said.

"Yeah, but if he can defeat Earthbound Immortal Uru, then all the souls sacrificed to it will come back..." (Y/N) reminded him, "Rally, Martha... he could save them all."

"And we should go settle things right now..."

Back in New Domino City...

"Angela Rains here, reporting from New Domino's West Fifth district," Angela said to her camera. "New Domino City has been placed under martial law following the declaration of a state of emergency by Director Goodwin yesterday during the widespread riots, and although those riots were put down by the intervention of the army, the state of emergency has not yet been revoked. Since Nazca Lines have begun appearing in the city, hundreds of people have gone missing, no one can be found, and Sector Security is offering no information!"

Lazar sighed as he watched the broadcast before switching off the TV with a snap of his fingers. It was just another report about the mysterious symbols appearing in the sky and imprinting on the ground, with numerous people missing afterwards. He strode to the far wall of the room, and tapped a panel, opening a hidden door into another room, which he entered.

"Has Rex already left?" a man shrouded in shadow said from a screen within.

"Yes, just moments ago," Lazar replied. "Is Yliaster planning to offer any intervention?" The man seemed to think for a moment.

"Were the situation to reach a certain severity, then we might be convinced to dispatch aid," he finally said. "We have considered the option of the Emperors intervening if the Signers should fail." Lazar shuddered. He didn't personally know the Emperors of Yliaster due to the organization's secretive nature, but he had heard of them by reputation, and what he heard was not exactly favorable. "Regardless, Lazar, do you not trust in Rex and Roman?"

"I have some doubts," Lazar murmured.

"We have to place our hopes in them," the man said. "We have waited twenty years ever since the brothers turned over a new page in history." Lazar nodded and laughed.

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