Chapter 7: The Facility

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(Y/N) was being held in a dark courtroom. They held him for a few days until the day he was on trial. He could only see the silhouette of the judge before him. He was tied up to a chair so he wouldn't try to get away.

"What's this? He's only a kid. What's he done? Oh well, let's look what the complaint was. Turbo dueling without a license, blah, blah, blah, Malicious mischief, blah, blah, bla- whoa! Entering New Domino City without a traveling permit. Well, now we can't have that now can we? Here's a little 'tracking dye' for you." The judge said. A machine lowered from the ceiling and it sprayed a radiophilic yellow dye on both of his cheeks. Each cheek had a small v-shaped arrow that's slightly below and near the outside of the eye with the bottom point of the v pointing towards his nose.

"Is this supposed to tickle?" (Y/N) asked.

"This is to make sure that we can track you wherever you are." The judge answered. (Y/N) suddenly felt a jolt from the marking knowing the maker is activated. "As for your sentence, you're sent to the Facility for a few months. After your senten- I mean 'vacation', you're free to go back to Satellite, as long as you don't set foot in New Domino City."

(Y/N) was then taken to an armored paddy wagon along with some other random criminals. After the ride, they arrived at a huge building. "Welcome to the Facility. Your home away from home." The officer said. (Y/N) and the other criminals got out of the armored paddy wagon and went into the Facility. When they got in. One of the officers stopped them.

"Wait a minute. Let me take this prisoner in. I want to personally escort him to his new cell." He said pointing at (Y/N). (Y/N) saw who it was. It was Trudge.

"Sure. Go ahead." The officer said and he and the other prisoners left for their cells.

"Geez, you again?" (Y/N) groaned.

"Come with me." Trudge demanded and grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and led him somewhere. They went into a dark room where this only a single light hanging above the ceiling, closed the door and locked it.

"What did you bring me here for?" (Y/N) asked.

"Beat him." Trudge said. (Y/N) was confused for a minute, but then out of nowhere, a couple of Security came from behind and attacked by punching him. (Y/N) fell to the ground and then the guards started kicking him relentlessly giving (Y/N) no time to defend himself. Trudge stood there just watching (Y/N) being helpless as he was getting punched and kicked.

"This is for humiliating me twice. First that turbo duel for you and that brat's freedom and that turbo duel in the pipeline adding to the fact that I smell like trash!" Trudge smirked. This beating went on for a few more minutes until the guards were done.

"Get him up." Trudge ordered. The two picked up (Y/N) holding his arms up. (Y/N) lifted his head up and looked at Trudge.

"Look at you. Not so tough are ya now. You thought you could get away huh? But you're wrong. I told you I was gonna lock you up."

"And I told you... that I... won't let you or anyone or anything... stop me from... searching... for my memories." (Y/N) said in between breaths.

"Well, that's too bad, cause I'll make sure that won't happen and that you won't get out of the Facility." Trudge said as he threw a hard punch at his face.


As soon as that hit, (Y/N) fell to the ground and blacked out.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N). Wake up." A voice called. (Y/N) slowly opened his eyes up and the first thing he saw was a familiar face. A short old man was also there.

"Y-Yusei?" (Y/N) whispered as Yusei helped him up from the floor.

"You okay?" Yusei asked. (Y/N) was able to sit on the bottom bunk of the bed.

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