Chapter 33: A Bitter Reunion

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We last left With (Y/N) arriving at the backup generator to face two Dark Signers who bare the Mark of the Dog. Unfortunately, those two Dark Signers are revealed to be his very own parents, who died ten years ago in a car crash with him being the only survivor in that crash.

"Mom... Dad..." (Y/N) said with his voice starting to break.

"Hello, son..." (Y/N)'s father said.

(Y/N) was still at a loss for words. "How is this... possible...? I thought... you..."

"We were..." His mother said. "The day of the car crash that took our lives... the pain was so unforgiving... the blood... and then it was cold... and dark..."

"It was like that forever, until we heard a voice in that dark and cold place." His father continued. "A voice that promised us what we wanted most..." Both parents looked to their son. "And that was to be with our child again..." (Y/N)'s mom said. The Haos Duelist started to shed tears down his face, seeing that his parents in the state they were in. They were a wild storm of emotions setting his heart; feelings of happiness to see his parents again, of sorrow for being Dark Signers, and horror for no matter what the outcome of this duel, the family would be broken once again...

"Mom... dad... Why?"

(Y/N)'s mom sadly smiled. "All this time... we're destined to face our little boy..."

(Y/N)'s dad shook his head in sorrow. "But we have to duel him with all our power... lest we all face the wrath of the Netherworld ourselves..."


"At least when we win, we can be a family again..." his father interrupted then turned to his son. "We have to burn out your Mark of the Crimson Dragon..."

"I can't... let you... do that though..." (Y/N) mumbled.

"Yes... son, I know." (Y/N)'s mom said. "In fact, we want you to win... but..."

"We have a duty to the Earthbound Immortal who resurrected us..." the male Dark Signer continued as he and his wife mounted their runner with her in the side car. "Are you ready, son?"

(Y/N) just stood there in silence for a while. Sure, he had to beat the Dark Signers and save the world and all, but... this is his parents we're talking about. To him, this changes everything. There was no way he could duel his parents. Not like this. His dad noticed this.

"Look son, I know that this isn't easy for you..."

"You're DAMN right it isn't! You're my parents! I can't do this to you both!" The Haos duelist shouted with tears still flowing down his eyes. "As much as I wanted you both to come back alive just so we can be a family again, this... this is not how I wanted it! Not like this!"

"I know, but you have to do this (Y/N). If you want to save the world, you have to defeat us in a duel. You know that. Please, we're asking you not as Dark Signers, but as your parents. Beat us in this duel. I know you can. You just have to be strong to do this." (Y/N)'s mom said.

(Y/N) was silent for a while standing there for a while, until he spoke up. "You know... I've always obeyed you mom and dad. Never once have I disobeyed you. Since you asked... As much as it pains me to do it... I'll duel you both." His parents gently smiled.

"Thank you." (Y/N)'s dad said as his son mounted his runner and puts on his helmet and he drove up next to him. Then purple flames erupted from the ground forming the Dog Mark. Both the Dog Marks on (Y/N)'s parents' right arms glowed and the Haos duelist's Mark of the Crimson Dragon's Body glowed on his right arm. The Mark of the Dog also appeared in the sky.

With Yusei...

"It's starting." Yusei mused as he looked at the Dog Mark at the sky and then looked at his Mark of the Dragon Tail which was glowing.

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