Chapter 19: Parade of the Undead

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We last left with the first ground duel between Greiger and Luna. Although it was a valiant effort, Luna was defeated the Reactor Duelist, Greiger. But on the plus side, it was a really good duel that the two performed for the audience. (Y/N) was walking with Luna on their way to the stands.

"That was a really good duel Luna. You had the crowd going for a while. Plus, you overcame you fear of dueling in front of people." (Y/N) praised.

"Yeah. I'm just glad it's over with." Luna sighed with relief. A couple minutes later, they arrived near one of the entrance of the stands where Leo and the others are. "I can go on from here."

"Alright then. I'm gonna go meet up with Yusei. Later!" (Y/N) said and then the two of them went their separate ways. Several minutes later, (Y/N) had arrived at the garage of the stadium. He had just in time, because Yusei was just about to leave for his turbo duel.

"Hey Yusei!" (Y/N) called running over to him and his runner.

"Hey (Y/N), you came to see me off?" Yusei asked.

"Yeah. I just dropped off Luna over at the stands so she can stay with Leo and the others." (Y/N) said.

"ATTENTION, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE SECOND TURBO DUEL IS ABOUOT TO GET UNDERWAY!" The MC announced from the speakers that were on the ceiling.

"Uh-oh. You better get going. Your duel is about to start. Don't wanna be late for that." (Y/N) said.

"Yep." Yusei replied putting on his helmet and then revved up the engine. "Wish me luck." He said giving him a thumbs up. (Y/N) did the same. And soon after, Yusei sped off from the garage. (Y/N) then walked over to the duelist lounge.

"WE ARE BACK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN FOR THE SECOND TURBO DUEL OF THE FORTUNE CUP! ENTERING FIRST, HE'S THE SPUNKY PUNK TRYING TO GET FROM THIRD TO FIRST CLASS; HE'S THE LITTLE SATELLITE WHO COULD... I GIVE YOU, YUSEI FUDO!" A plume of smoke exploded from one of the tunnels leading onto the track and Yusei's crimson Duel Runner raced from it, completing a lap of the track before taking his starting position.

"Get out of here Satellite scum!" One spectator shouted.

"No one wants to see you!" Another yelled.

Back at the lounge...

(Y/N) was watching on the screen when Yusei entered and all he heard were jeers from the crowd.

"Great. I guess that little speech I made during my turbo duel was a waste." (Y/N) sighed.

At the stadium...

"AND HIS OPPONENT, THE ALWAYS-MYSTERIOUS SHADOW REAPER, SHIRA!" A plume of smoke exploded from the tunnel as well and a black chopper style motorcycle came out, his disk was pitch-black as well. He did a lap of track just like Yusei did before getting into his starting position. The crowd was cheering for Shira.

"Hope you're ready to lose." Shira taunted.

"Not a chance." Yusei replied.


"FI-RUDO MAHO! SUPIDO WARUDO! SETTO ON!" Both turbo duelists yelled as they revved up their engines and both pressed a button on their runners.


The words 'DUEL MODE' appeared on both screens and the screens then showed the playing field and their speed counters. A purple aura shot out of both duel runners. "ALL RIGHT PEOPLE! THEY ACTIVATED SPEED WORLD MEANING THAT THE ONLY SPELLS THEY CAN PLAY ARE SPEED SPELLS! FIRST ONE TO TURN THE CORNER GETS THE FIRST TURN!"

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