Chapter 30: A Heart's Closed Door

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Outside of New Domino Hospital, a black limousine pulled up. The doors were opened and two people stepped out, a tall, grim man in a black suit, with dark brown hair and beard, and a woman who resembled Akiza, wearing an ankle-length pale blue dress with a dark purple sash tied around her waist. The two hurried forwards towards the hospital, passing through a crowd of reporters, who immediately laid into them with a barrage of questions. Some wanted comments about the destruction around the Arcadia Movement, some commented on the identity of the girl, while the rest speculated that the girl was Black Rose who terrorized during her matches at the Fortune Cup. The man kept walking onwards with the woman, into the hospital, the doors closing behind him and immediately being barred by two Sector Security officers. Inside the hospital, in a large room, Akiza was laid on a bed while a doctor and nurse worked to try and bring her back into consciousness. So far their efforts were futile. Through a glass window, Jack, Leo and Luna watched the hospital staff. They had been there since the night before, watching and waiting desperately for Akiza to recover.

"Three Signers being here like this is sorta cool, isn't it?" Leo commented.

"I guess so..." Luna sighed as she stared through the window at Akiza's unconscious form. "Poor Akiza..."

"Still, it's great that we've got most of the Signers here," Leo continued, "Especially since I'll become a Signer soon!"

"Leo, you're not a Signer..." his sister replied.

"But you may be onto something..." Jack said making Luna turn to him.

"Do you think we were brought together for a reason?"

"Perhaps Luna..." Jack stated. "But we'll know once..."

"Akiza?" The three of them turned towards the voice, seeing the woman and man from outside, the woman having just cried out in worry at seeing Akiza.

"Who are they?" Leo wondered.

The doctor and nurse walked out of the room to meet with the man and woman.

"We're her parents." the man said to the doctor.

"What's our daughter's condition?" his wife asked desperately. The doctor sighed and shook his head.

"We've tried everything we could," he replied. "Follow me." The four of them walked inside to stand at Akiza's bedside. "There hasn't been any feedback as of yet, and if I may be so frank, there's a chance she may stay unconscious. She's fine physically, but she must be under something emotionally critical that would keep her this way."

"Doctor..." the man whispered in shock and horror as he looked down at Akiza. His wife fell to her knees, staring at her daughter in the same way.

"Oh baby, please wake up..." she begged sorrowfully. "Forgive your mommy and daddy... please... It's our fault this happened..."

Seeing the distress Akiza's parents were in, Luna's heart went out to them. "We have to help." She said. "If the doctors can't help, maybe we could do something since we're all Signers."

"Yeah, something must've happened between (Y/N) and Yusei!" Leo exclaimed. "There's no other way (Y/N) was well enough to duel Yusei during the finals!"

"Besides," Jack interjected. "If the doc thinks it's emotional problems, then this (Y/N) fellow's the only person who might be able to help her out of this coma." He then walked inside the room to meet Akiza's parents. "I'm Jack Atlas." The former King introduced. "And I know someone who might help your daughter wake up." He told them.

"Please tell us!" Akiza's mother cried.

"Who is it?" Akiza's father added desperately. Jack remembered everything that happened during that person's duel with Akiza before he spoke.

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