Chapter 11: Tag Team Tournament

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A few days have passed since the Black Rose has struck in the Daimon area. During those few days, (Y/N) was being treated by Yusei and Blister in Blister's apartment. They've covered the holes that were on both of his arms and his body with bandages and his clothes were washed, dried, and sewn. (Y/N) was slowly recovering and he was able to walk as long as he doesn't overdo it. He is also able to duel again too.

"How are you feeling?" Yusei asked.

"I'm getting better. I'm still kinda wobbly though." (Y/N) said.

"Just as long as you don't overdo it, you'll do fine." Blister replied. Just then Tanner and Yanagi came in to Blister's apartment along with Leo and Luna.

"Hey guys. How's it going?" Tanner greeted.

"Hey..." (Y/N) greeted back.

"How are you feeling (Y/N)?" Luna asked.

"I'm doing pretty well." (Y/N) answered. Leo then came up to (Y/N). He looked ashamed. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well... I just want to say sorry. I feel like that it's my fault that you got injured by the Black Rose Witch just because I and Dexter went to find her. I'm sorry." Leo apologized and his eyes started to tear up.

"It's not your fault Leo. It was the Black Rose's fault that I got injured. Not yours. So don't worry about it." (Y/N) said.

"But I still feel bad though. I wanna make it up to you." Leo said.

"Wow. That bad huh? Alright, if you feel that bad, then I'll take up your offer. So how are you going to make it up?" (Y/N) asked.

"Well, there's a Tag Team Tournament today over at the Kaiba Dome and I thought that you would like to come along with me and my sister. We're gonna be competing in it. I want you to compete too, but you need to have a partner for a Tag Team Duel." Leo explained.

"Huh... okay. Well, I need a partner. Anyone who would like to volunteer?" (Y/N) asked. There was silence around the room until Blister spoke up. "I'll duel with ya. I got nothing else better to do, so I got time." Blister said.

"Then it's settled! Let's get going!" Leo said.

(Y/N), Blister, Leo, and Luna then left the Daimon Area and then went over to the city. They were walking in the city until (Y/N) noticed a lot of TV's on display at a store. There was something on fire on the TV, so being the curious guy; he looked to see what it was. It was the news and there was a car accident on the highway and it was on fire. That was then his head started jolting up again. A piece of his memory was coming back to him. No, scratch that, the rest of his memory was coming back to him.

*Flashback- 10 years ago*

(Y/N) was starting to remember everything now. He remembers his father being the president of a company that made duel runners. They made the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega Frames and that he and his mother were very close friends with Director Goodwin. This would explain the flashback he had at the Facility when he saw Goodwin. He also remembered drawing his duel monster cards and that it was the winner of a contest that involved creating your own deck and he had that ever since. Then he saw that he was in the car with his parents and then another car crashed into theirs which was very fatal. He was the only one that survived. Goodwin took him in and looked after him for 10 years or so.

Then (Y/N) remembers Goodwin telling him about the Crimson Dragon and how the Signers saved the world from evil.

"(Y/N), have you ever heard of the Crimson Dragon?" Goodwin asked.

"No, I haven't." (Y/N) answered.

"Well, about 5000 years ago, an evil threaten the entire world. The People of the Stars, called upon the "Dragon Star" to save their land from destruction. The star answered their call and came down from the heavens in the form of the Crimson Dragon. The Dragon had servants to help him and they were known as Signers. That evil is about to rise again. I need to find another way to call the Crimson Dragon and save the world rather than finding the descendants of the original signers. Will you help me?"

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