Chapter 12: A King's Pride

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"Goodwin." (Y/N) called to him. The Director turned his head around to look.

"I remember."

Goodwin's eyes widened when he heard what (Y/N) just said and then he turned the rest of his body around and walked back to him. "You remember? Your memories have returned?" Goodwin asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry I freaked out on you like that after I hit my head." (Y/N) apologized.

"No, it's not your fault. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. I shouldn't have taken the experiment too far. But aside from that, it's good that you remembered."

"Yeah. I want to ask you something though, why are you holding my Satellite friends hostage?" (Y/N) asked a little bit angry.

"I'm trying to gather all the Signers together. And since Yusei has a mark of the Crimson Dragon, I had to find a way to get him to enter the tournament. So, holding his friends who are also your friends from Satellite was a perfect way to get him to enter."

"But they're my friends too!" (Y/N) said.

"I'm sorry that I had to do it. But it was the only way of getting Yusei to enter. I assure you that they won't be harmed, you have my word. But other than that, think of it as a backup plan to awaken the Crimson Dragon."

"Backup plan?" (Y/N) asked confused.

"I'm sure you recall that we got a sample of your blood before we started the experiment."


"Well, after you went "absent", we used that sample of blood to create 4 clones of you and then engrave the same mark on each one of them. You should know that the mark I gave you is just a mere manmade imitation, but its power is equal to that of the real thing."

"Okay, so what role do the clones and I have?" (Y/N) asked.

"If you duel these 4 clones, with enough intensity and power, the Crimson Dragon might appear and then we could be able to save the world from the evil that appeared 5000 years ago."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"That's where the backup plan comes into play."

"Hmph. Alright, I'll go with your plan. I guess. I mean I still want to repay you for taking care of me when..." (Y/N) just trailed off there and head was down. He was still sad about his parents being killed. Goodwin puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sure that if they're here, they would've been proud of you. You're doing this for the greater good."

"...Yeah." (Y/N) replied quietly.

"Well, I must get going. If you feel like you're ready, then come to the mansion. I'll be waiting." Goodwin said and with that he left. (Y/N) soon followed.

Later on that day, (Y/N) was back at Blister's apartment and he was working on his duel runner. Yusei walked in to the garage. "Hey (Y/N), did you just get back?"

"Yeah. I've been working on the runner ever since I got back here." He replied as he was still typing on the laptop.

"So, what did Goodwin want with you?" Yusei asked.

"Actually, it was Jack that wanted with me."

"What?" Yusei asked with a wide-eyed stare.

"Yeah. He was at Tag Team Tournament today watching and after that he just came up to me and challenged me to a Turbo Duel. Said I piqued his curiosity and that I could possibly entertain him and quench his thirst for a real challenge."

"That's Jack alright. Always acting high and mighty." Yusei sighed. "Did you accept?"

"Of course I did. He wants to meet me at the Kaiba Dome midnight tonight. Look I know you still need to settle your score with Jack and all, but how could I pass this up? And besides, it's most likely that it's going to be unofficial. Are you okay with it?"

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