Chapter 40: The Final Dark Signer?

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Yusei, Jack, Akiza, Leo, Luna, Crow, Trudge, Mina and (Y/N) all stared up at the Condor geoglyph burning upon the heavens in horror.

"This... can't be!" (Y/N) cried out. "How can there be another Dark Signer?"

"I don't know, but I get the feeling we'll find out." Yusei said grimly.

"I don't understand." Akiza said. "If all the Dark Signers are defeated, how can another mark be appearing now?"

"That's the question." Crow said. "And Yusei's right... I bet we'll be the ones to find out."

"Is it because I didn't seal the last tower in time?" Akiza asked.

"It can't be that... can it?" (Y/N) murmured.

"Roman said if all four towers weren't sealed in time, the King of the Underworld would rise." Yusei recalled. Then an earthquake rocked the Satellite, as light exploded into the heavens from somewhere around two miles away.

"That's the Old Enerdy Reactor!" Mina exclaimed.

"The Doors of the Underworld must be fully open..." Yusei realized...

The crater containing the old reactor was lit with the rainbow Enerdy light, as lightning bolts crashed down around it. Then a black sludge poured from the hole, two crimson eyes opening in it... The sludge rose up, reshaping and taking a colossal form, that of a massive skeletally thin persona of a mysterious Dragon. With a mighty roar, the dragon towered over Satellite, dripping down great drops of sludge as its crimson eyes fixed upon the Condor geoglyph.

"WHAT IS THAT?" Leo exclaimed in horror.

"That must be the King of the Underworld!" Yusei realized in shock.

"Is this the end of the world?" Trudge wondered.

"We're still here." Mina said softly. "The darkness hasn't completely taken over."

"With a beast like that, how long could it take?" (Y/N) murmured, gazing at the King with horror and a dark awe in his eyes. "How powerful can it be...?"

Luna winced as her Mark of the Dragon burned, Kuribon appearing beside her and cooing urgently. "Kuribon just told me that the King of the Underworld can't be allowed to reach the Condor geoglyph?"

"How are we supposed to stop something that big?" Leo exclaimed. Then Yusei, Jack and Akiza and (Y/N)'s Marks began to shine brightly, thunder booming in the skies as crimson light descended, forming into the majestic Crimson Dragon. The dragon roared, crimson light exploding from its form to engulf them... When the light faded, they found themselves on Goodwin's island home, which had one major difference – one of the buildings had been reduced to ruins and rising from those ruins was the Stairway to the Dragon Star!

"How did we get here so fast?" Leo wondered.

"That's that temple we saw underground." Jack murmured, gazing up at the Stairway. Up above it, the Condor geoglyph burned upon the clouds. Then Rex Goodwin emerged from the shadows atop the Stairway, looking down at them from the ancient temple of the People of the Stars.

"Welcome, all of you." he greeted, calm as ever. "Congratulations for defeating the Dark Signers, although you were unable to close the Doors of the Underworld."

"Have we lost?" Yusei asked. "The world..."

"Is done for." Goodwin continued smoothly, staring across the sea to Satellite, where the King of the Underworld steadily advanced towards the Condor geoglyph. "It makes slow progress..."

"Why is that thing coming here?" (Y/N) shouted, his anger at the man for deceiving him beginning to burn.

"This is the place for the Divine Ritual." he explained. "I used the Crimson Dragon to gather the Signers in preparation for that ritual." He reached out and picked up something beside him, which he lifted up to reveal as the capsule containing Roman's severed arm and hence the Head Mark of the Dragon, which blazed brightly, prompting gasps of pain from the four Signers present as their marks burned in response.

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