Chapter 12:

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Liam's POV:

I’m lying here, trying to breathe, each breath harder than the last. The world outside is a blur. I feel Maya’s hand in mine, and it’s the only thing keeping me grounded. She looks so tired, so sad. I hate seeing her like this. Her music, once so full of life, now sounds like a sad song. I wish I could take her pain away, but I can’t even take away my own.

I turn my head and see her face, full of worry and love. She whispers that she loves me and promises we’ll get through this. I want to believe her, but I’m so tired, and I know I’m losing this fight. A tear rolls down my cheek, and I feel so afraid. I don’t want to leave her, but I don’t think I have a choice.

I think about the good times, her laugh, the music she played. I try to hold onto those memories, but they’re slipping away. I close my eyes, feeling her kiss my ear, her words a comfort even now. I hold onto her love, knowing it’s the only thing that will last, even when I’m gone.

Thank you sweetie's


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