Chapter 42:

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The moonlight softened the room. I decided to light a candle, Sitting down on the couch, I allowed myself to be enveloped by the quiet, finding a strange comfort in the quiet and dark room.

As the night go on , I found myself drawn to the journal I had kept since Liam's passing. I hadn't written in it for a while, but tonight felt different. I opened it to a blank page and began to write, letting my thoughts flow freely:


Today was a day of memories and healing. Rian and William came over, and we spent the afternoon talking about Liam. We remembered his laugh, his love, and how he could light up a room with just a smile. It felt good to speak of him, to keep his spirit alive through our words.*

Rian suggested we take a walk in the park. At first, the idea seems to me too much, but I knew she was right. The fresh air and sunshine did us all good. Sitting by the lake, I could almost feel Liam's presence, as if he was there with us, enjoying the beauty of the day.

Returning home, I felt a sense of peace I hadn't experienced in a long time. The love and support of my friends made all the difference. As they left, I realized how grateful I am to have them by my side.

Liam, if you can hear me, know that I miss you every day. But today, I felt your presence more than ever, and I know you're watching over me. I will continue to cherish your memory. I love you love, I will never forget you not now and forever.


I closed the journal, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders. Writing had always been a way for me to process my emotions. I blew out the candle, its smoke go into the air like a whisper, and made my way to bed.

Thank you sweeties.



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