Chapter 32:

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     Days and night pass by, blur together as Maya’s routine stays the same. She plays the violin, her tears flowing freely, her heart heavy with sorrow. She talks to Liam, making promises out loud even though she knows she can’t keep them..


      And now it's Liam's final day in their home, the atmosphere was heavy with grief as friends and relatives gathered to pay their respects. The living room, usually vibrant with life and laughter, now full of sorry, sobs, crying amd sound of tears that falls into floor.

    Maya stood by Liam's coffin, surrounded by many people who comes.  Tears streamed down faces, voices choked with emotion as they remembered their friend, love ones and coworker.

"I can't believe he's gone," someone whispered, their words barely audible and noticeable.

   Maya, nodded silently, her own heart weighed down by the reality of the moment. She glanced around at the faces, each one bearing traces of disbelief, sorrow and sadness. Liam had been loved and respected by many, his presence leaving a space that felt impossible to fill.

    Outside, the muted sounds of the neighborhood carried on. The sun filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow over Liam's peaceful face in the coffin, surrounded by flowers and candles.

    Colleagues approached one by one, offering condolences and sharing fond memories of Liam's kindness and humor. Each story shared brought a mixture of laughter and tears, a testament to the impact he had made on their lives.

     Maya listened quietly, finding solace in the collective mourning of those who knew and loved Liam. She held onto his hand, wishing for more time, more moments together.

Thank you for reading my story sweeties.



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