Chapter 19:

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I nodded, letting the image of our future fill my mind. A little house with a big garden, children laughing as they played, the sound of Maya’s violin through the open windows. It was a dream that seemed almost within reach.

But even as I held onto those dreams, I could feel the numbness splitting in my whole body. the cold weight settling in my chest. I tried to ignore it, to focus on Maya’s voice and the light in her eyes. She was my strength, my reason to keep fighting.

I looked at her, memorizing the curve of her smile, the way her eyes sparkled with love and hope. “You make everything brighter, Maya,” I said softly, my voice  with gratitude and sorrow. “I’m so lucky to have you.”

Suddenly, a sharp pain tore through my chest, and my breath caught in my throat. The world around me blurred, the edges of my vision darkening as panic gripped my heart. “Maya…” I gasped, trying to hold onto her hand, her warmth, her love.

The room spun, the soft glow of the lamp vanish as darkness come in. The pain was overwhelming, a crushing weight that made it hard me to breathe, to think. I could hear the distant sound of alarms, the rush of footsteps, but it all felt far away, as if I were sinking into a deep, dark sea.

Maya, I love you,” I want to say that , but the words wouldn’t come. My vision becomes blurred, with Maya’s face at the end, her eyes wide with fear and love. I tried to reach out to her, to hold on, but my strength was slipping away, and the darkness was pulling me under.

The last thing I saw before everything went black was her face, my sign of light and hope in the room that full of darkness. And then, all was silent, and I was lost to the night.

Thank you sweetie.


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